I don’t think I’ve mentioned this before, but I play the accordion. So does this guy:

…but that’s just an interesting coincidence, not the point of this post. My trad band, GeansaΓ­ Dearg, recorded a few songs in our last practice, and we’ve now got them up on a myspace! They’re a bit rough, but I think they’ve come out fairly ok! Check them out and let me know what you think!

7 thoughts on “Red Jumper”
  1. Loved it! The recordings lack a bit of oomph, but great stuff all the same.

    If you ever end up over the water in Liverpool for a gig, I’d roll up. πŸ˜€

  2. Loved it! The recordings lack a bit of oomph, but great stuff all the same.

    If you ever end up over the water in Liverpool for a gig, I’d roll up. πŸ˜€

    Cheers πŸ™‚ We recorded the songs on a cheap little MP3 recorder, so to be honest I’m actually surprised they’re audible at all, heh.

    The more significant question is: are there any Terry Cavanaghs who *don’t* play the accordion?

    I certainly hope not – that would be awesome πŸ˜€

  3. Hey, this is really great! I didn’t know you played in a group. πŸ™‚ “Cliffs of Moher” and “Sally Gardens” are my favorites of those four songs on the myspace. Sounds excellent for being recorded on a little mp3 recorder too, I would never have guessed if you hadn’t mentioned it.

    Added you, by the way!


  4. Haha, glad you liked it – didn’t know if it would be your sorta thing πŸ™‚

    My flatmate’s the one who put up the myspace, but I told him about you and I think he’s added you back!

  5. Wait, you have Therapy? added as a friend on myspace? I fucking love Therapy?! πŸ˜€ I didn’t know anybody had heard of them outside of Ireland and the UK!

  6. Hey, my musical taste is varied… I have lots of favorite genres! πŸ˜›

    Oh yeah, I added Therapy? awhile back– I think I heard of them through you, actually. That or another friend of mine who lives in the UK… can’t remember, actually! They’re excellent though, at any rate πŸ™‚


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