You’ve no idea how happy I am to finally be able to share this news. Super Hexagon is launching on Steam next Tuesday the 27th of November, for PC and Mac.

It’s going to cost $2.99 (the same price as the iOS version), but I’m hoping to launch with some sort of discount (still talking to Valve about that).

I’m sorry this has taken so long. I appreciate your patience with me! I wanted to launch much sooner than this, but ultimately I just wasn’t happy with the performance of the flash version. So, I knuckled down and rewrote everything in C++ – this new version of the game runs at a higher resolution than the iOS version, and runs fast and silky smooth on every machine I’ve been able to get my hands on – a very important thing for a game like this.

I’m very excited to finally be able to share this game with more people. See you on the leaderboards! πŸ™‚

43 thoughts on “Super Hexagon coming to Steam next week”
  1. Awesome to hear!

    I’m very curious about the Flash performance you experienced. The common belief is that Flash/AIR app performance on iOS is too poor to bother with it for games – for me, Super Hexagon proves that that’s not necessarily the case, though it is of course a simple game in many ways.

    Did you find performance to be worse on PC than on iOS? Or did it perform similarly, and your concern was that this performance was still far below PC standards/expectations of 60fps?

    Did you try using the new hardware acceleration and Stage3D stuff? I assume so since you were playing with that stuff at the game jam where we briefly met… I haven’t played with those features yet and now I wonder if it’s worth the trouble to, if you couldn’t get a simple game like S.H. performing up to snuff.

    Thanks for any info you’re willing to share, and thanks for bringing an awesome game to more platforms!!!

  2. I’ve been playing on iOS since day one and I’m looking forward to playing this new release on a big screen!

    Also excited for the rewritten version to make its way to iOS, so we can be rid of the performance issues once and for all!

  3. Nice work! Can’t wait to play it on a bigger screen :p

    Just a wondering, any timeline for an android version? I just changed from an iphone and can’t play it anymore πŸ™

  4. I can’t wait! I’m a huge fan of the original (high score: 363:05), as well as many of your other games. =) All the best!

  5. Awesome Terry !!
    Loved it on the iPhone, everyone I show it to gets Sucked In !
    Its going to be an instant hit on the PC !
    Looking forward to the Steam Leaderboards.
    Cheers !


    Thanks !!!!!!!! I’ll buy it !!! Many thanks from a young french who love your work !

  7. Hi, Just tried to buy Super Hexagon on Steam (27/11/12) but it’s not there yet. Any news on the Android version too? All the best, Martyn

  8. Martyn, your best bet is to check back around the time the Steam store updates- that’s 10 AM PST, 12 noon CST, 1 PM EST, and 6 PM GMT.

  9. […] Super Hexagon Coming To Steam Next Week (distractionware: devlog) “You’ve no idea how happy I am to finally be able to share this news. Super Hexagon is launching on Steam next Tuesday the 27th of November, for PC and Mac. It’s going to cost $2.99 (the same price as the iOS version), but I’m hoping to launch with some sort of discount (still talking to Valve about that).” […]

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