Bloody hell – quite unexpectedly, Apple just featured Super Hexagon as a runner up for this year’s game of the year! (In the UK, at the very least.) That’s pretty cool of them! 🙂
Anyway, I figured to celebrate, I’d put the game on sale on iOS for Christmas. If you happened to miss the launch sale, here’s another chance to pick it up for 99c/59p!
Thanks, everybody 🙂
Fair play Ter!
Congrats!! I saw that this morning on the french App Store as well!
Keep up your amazing work!!
Completely and wholeheartedly deserved.
Congrats Terry!
If anyone deserves being up there, it’s you.
Congrats. Also Destructoid choose Super Hexagon as their portable game of the year.
Give us this game on androiiiid please!
Release for Android, please.