Gosh, it’s been busy here recently. Two weeks ago Ruari and I showed State Machine at the Leftfield Collection at EGX Rezzed. The week after that, I showed my other game, Constellation, at Now Play This, a festival of experimental game design here in London.

Both festivals and both games went down really well, but I am now extremely sleepy. I think in future I will try to avoid debuting two new games at two different festivals on consecutive weekends.

(photo taken by Ben Peter Catchpole)

So, what’s next for Constellation? Hopefully a release, and any day now!

Constellation is basically a game where you type in anything you can think of and the game tries to respond to you, so in theory I could work on it forever – but after seeing people play it last weekend, I feel like it works better as a game with a tangible size, one that lets you play with a set of elements that you get to know well rather than one that tries to let you explore infinity.

Coming soon!

8 thoughts on “Later Play This”
  1. Wow! It’s looking really pretty! I can imagine how a well-defined finite set of inputs would make it more creative to explore.

    Best of luck with release, dude! It’s great to hear how well your projects are going 😀

  2. Suuuper excited for Constellation. So easy to get lost in the original for absurd amounts of time.

    But yeah, rest is good.

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