Conveyor vun---A little level I made in a day

Started by ., December 16, 2012, 05:48:42 AM

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After knowing how to prevent going back (Thanks blue626!), I finished this level.
It's a 5x5 level going exclusively horizontally.
Excluding the first room, only enemies are your obstacles.
1 not-too-easy trinket is also included.
Two versions of the levels will be put in the attachment---one uses glitch to avoid use of invulnerability while the other doesn't.
This is my first serious level and I want to see how you all feel about it.
Thank you :D

EDIT: A new version is attached.

EDIT 2: I'm removing all my levels after receiving confirmation that I'm a poor level maker. This one is in particular famously hard and badly made but if you really want to go through such a mess, I still have them backed up and I would reply to you maybe 20 years later.



  End-of-central-directory signature not found.  Either this file is not
  a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive.  In the
  latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on
  the last disk(s) of this archive.
unzip:  cannot find zipfile directory in one of or, and cannot find, period.

You are doing something weird here.

EDIT: This is a rar file, but you named it with .zip extension. Why did you do this?

EDIT: too difficult...


For the third room, you accelerate before hitting the 4 stray enemies. You slow down to avoid the enemies. Then you accelerate again to get past them. They are there to avoid blindly accelerating to the end. I can pass it after ~20 deaths, but maybe I have made the timing too tight....
I will do something about the overall difficulty and zipping...just wait a little bit...

EDIT: I've nerfed most rooms and I have got a correct zipping software. I will upload a new one soon.
EDIT2: I just realise that I used WinRAR wrong =.= It works now :)


This is a cool idea, but it's almost unplayably hard.