Stairs - By Nicholashin

Started by ., February 25, 2013, 10:48:28 AM

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Super short level that based the idea on blocks and stairs.
(Oh...and I made it in half a day too.)
I wanted it to be hard, but I forgot about it too soon.
So the level is not hard.

Difficulty: Probably easier than The touhou one. I would say Medium, but some find this fairly hard...
Trinket: 1
Crewmate: 1 in an auto-room
Extra Challenge: How many round can you go around the block in the middle of Bouncy things?

Have a map here:

And a cool room here:

Thank you! Give me some feedback if you like  :viridian:

EDIT: I'm removing all my levels after receiving confirmation that I'm a poor level maker. It has an interesting idea but is executed in a really boring and repetitive way. If you really want to go through such a mess, I still have them backed up and I would reply to you maybe 20 years later.

SomniRespiratory Flux

Haven't finished it yet. But so far the main difficulty seems to be finding where the exit to each room is. I honestly ended up guessing a lot on the first room, and eventually found something.
Also, Steam updated, and reset me from 2.1 to 2.0 somehow. ??? >:(


That first room is pure guesswork, but it looks so great that I am just reluctant to change it :P
The first room, Mirror and the Maze is the only rooms with fairly confusing exit, but they are all in the beginning, giving a confusing impression.
I don't really know how to change those rooms - if the warp lines are marked, the answer is too obviously; yet without any indication, it would be pure guesswork.....

SomniRespiratory Flux

Honestly, the first room is the only one I find at all confusing, if only because there's so many edges to follow and no set 'path' through any of it. Mirror I figured out that with only four edges, it isn't hard to figure out where to go on from. And The Maze has a pretty clearly marked path I went through without any confusion. That's about as far as I've gotten, those were just my first impressions. :viridian:


I really like the level design here, but I think the level is a little too hard.


Quote from: SomniRespiratory Flux on February 26, 2013, 12:20:20 AM
Honestly, the first room is the only one I find at all confusing, if only because there's so many edges to follow and no set 'path' through any of it. Mirror I figured out that with only four edges, it isn't hard to figure out where to go on from. And The Maze has a pretty clearly marked path I went through without any confusion. That's about as far as I've gotten, those were just my first impressions. :viridian:
Glad you like it :D Keep trying - I think the later part does not get that confusing part.
Maybe I should change the first room :P
Quote from: FIQ on February 26, 2013, 02:34:46 AM
I really like the level design here, but I think the level is a little too hard.
Well I did make this level with somewhat high difficulty in mind - probably the consequence after failing Urging you to cross the line a zillion times.
But I like the block theme too - it's a kind of design that can work well both in gameplay and aesthetics, which I am trying to do in this level.
It isn't too easy to adjust difficulty in the level right now, but I can try. Do you have some particular rooms that you find too hard?  :viridian:


I'm about halfway through, and I like it.

I do think it is a little on the tough side, which is fine, but it's not exactly like we have a shortage of tough levels on these forums. I'm convinced at this point easier levels are actually harder to make because it requires restraint.

As for the confusing exit at the beginning, I think it's fine. I wouldn't look at that as bad level design or something that needs "fixing". I think it's just another type of challenge utilizing the warp lines to give some rooms (mostly the first one) a maze type feel.

I'll let you know when I finish. So far, it seems very polished though with no glaring bugs. I think the level design looks nice and you should maybe "advertise" it a little by putting some screenshots up. Couldn't hurt.


Added a mini-map and a screenshot.
Nothing changed in the level.
Maybe this is harder than I thought, but I figured that I like this.