No Death Mode

Started by eyf, January 11, 2010, 07:57:15 PM

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Oh my gosh!  What an atrocity!  That's horrible!  You were done!  Finished!  Complete!

That really sucks!

I am sure you can do it next time though.  :viridian:
Just keep trying!


Quote from: Shasharala on October 25, 2010, 11:58:12 PM
I am sure you can do it next time though.  :viridian:

I have now been to the Gravitron 14 times since (3 times in a row once), and haven't made it through. :victoria:.

I think I can I think I can I think I can...


I dread the day this happens:

"You managed to reach: W"

(the next day, Terry Cavanagh is found dead from a chainsaw attack)


Well, I have no intention of making it past the Gravitron anytime soon, but I may as well post my best attempt so far.

That first jump on "...Not As I Do" can be a real pain. Too early and your crewmate smashes into the side of the platform as it's moving down, too late and your crewmate still smashes into the side of the platform, only it's moving back up. Either way, the result is the same.


We're on the same page there, Poochy. Although I died before Viridian even made it over to the alcove. I tend to die in the most embarrassing places.


I managed to get further... by all of two screens. This time I missed one of the safe alcoves at the top of the screen by about 2 pixels and grazed the spike.

At least I made it past "...Not As I Do" - I had three runs that ended in failure on that screen prior to this. Persistence pays off.

By the way, what sequences do people use for No Death Mode? I usually do the Laboratory first, then The Tower. If I make it past the first intermission, I plan to attempt Space Station 2 after that, and save The Warp Zone for last (which I have no plans to reach).

If I ever become consistent at the first intermission, I plan on trying Space Station 2 first since it's the longest (and hardest) of the levels I can do with any consistency.

Edit: And about a dozen more runs later, I've made it all the way to The Gravitron, and lasted somewhere between 15 and 20 seconds. The route I took was Laboratory -> Tower -> Space Station 2. I also bothered to stop and get the "I Can't Believe You Got This Far" trinket, since it was trivial.


I do SS1, Lab, Tower, and if I ever make it past Intermission 1 I'll do the Warp Zone. I've done it before with no deaths, so it should be easier for me than SS2.

As far as the Gravitron, I can typically survive the first 30 seconds or so with no deaths. One time I even made it 50 seconds, I think. It wasn't in No Death Mode, though.


After playing VVVVVV for 55.7 hours (according to STEAM) I finally managed to beat No Death Mode! If you don't believe me I can provide a screenshot of the victory screen, though I realize even that might not be enough to convince all of you. My time for the run was 16:23 and I flipped 787 times (though I didn't screencap the part that says that). Such a feat IS possible! I only got one trinket in the run. Perhaps in the future I'll try a No Death Run getting all the trinkets available.


Let me be the first to say : CONGRATULATIONS
now the screenshot plz


Pics Video or it didn't happen. Do it again with a screencap on. Then we'll believe you.


Here is the victory screen!


Great, except that we have no proof you didn't simply take it from, which itself could have been a hack (for that matter, you could have used hacks yourself).

Yes, I believe you. But I'm just warning you that it won't be easy to defend your case.


Hello, guys. I've gotten to the first Intermission screen, and walked right into the spikes since I forgot I turned off dialogs :victoria:

I think I can probably get to Gravitron.. This is going to be fun.


Pictures of the trophy are up online, so if you really want to know, look for them.

If you just want a hint, ROT13: Vs lbh hfr n Synfu unpxvat gbby naq bcra gur tnzr'f fcevgr furrgf, lbh'yy svaq gung gurer'f ab fcevgr gung ybbxf yvxr vg jbhyq or hfrq sbe gur gebcul. Gurer'f n ernfba sbe gung.


Not my playing, but someone posted a video of a complete run: