Dimension Artificial

Started by KostaRotaev, June 10, 2018, 05:10:17 PM

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After this level making is working in progress.


Seems good from what I've played. But in the "Preparations" room when it tells you to stop do you just stop playing the level right then and there? Or do you have to do some fancy-smancy maneuvering?

EDIT: Ah, fawk I'm an idiot I just had to wait. Good level so far!

Info Teddy

spikes are not continued over the room border between (1, 1) (Slight Attention) and (2, 1) (Three's an insert), over the room border between (2, 2) (Preparations) and (3, 2) (Crossroads), or over the room border between (3, 2) (Crossroads) and (4, 2) (Did you preserve me?)


The level making is complete in Dimension Artificial.

This level contains:

Trinkets: 20.


:viridian: Captain Viri
:viridian: Captain Dia
:viridian: Captain N
:victoria: Captain Vend


Info Teddy

you didn't fix the spike continuation errors i complained about in this post. i'm sorely disappointed

there's a clipping error between the warp line borders in (19, 20) (Perfect Timing)
spikes are not continued over room border between (16, 18) (I'm back) and (16, 17) (The Same Floor)
spikes from (16, 16) (Crusher) are not visible in (16, 17) (The Same Floor) and should be continued over the room border
spikes and 1x1 disappearing platforms are not continued over room border between (14, 12) (In a single board) and (13, 12) (Thinking with Vend)
spikes in (16, 9) (Abashment 1) are not continued over the room border to (16, 8) (Enemy Rush)
there's no warpline on the topright room exit in (19, 10) (Delight)
it's annoying how the warptoken in (19, 12) (Cyan Crew Dia) teleports you onto the checkpoint in (20, 12) (Anomaly), so if that crewmate is your last crewmate you can't collect the trinket and then commit suicide to rescue the crewmate and instead have to redo the entire zone or sacrifice the trinket


Quote from: Info Teddy on June 10, 2018, 08:32:01 PM
spikes are not continued over the room border between (1, 1) (Slight Attention) and (2, 1) (Three's an insert), over the room border between (2, 2) (Preparations) and (3, 2) (Crossroads), or over the room border between (3, 2) (Crossroads) and (4, 2) (Did you preserve me?)
I'm not sure about this level, it's easy map?

Info Teddy

Quote from: KostaRotaev on June 13, 2018, 09:28:24 AMWhat?
I'm not sure about this level, it's easy map?
it doesn't matter the difficulty of the level, you shouldn't have spikes that do not continue over the room border.

it'd be annoying if you walked backward and you suddenly died when you appeared in the next room. there should be a spike in the other room to properly inform and discourage you from walking that path.