4 thoughts on “I just don’t know”
  1. Found on RockPaperShotgun:

    Stéphane D’Astous, Montreal’s general manager told Gamasutra,

    “We’re only working on AAA, major titles. We’re going to be developing only major AAA games, using only next-gen technology. We will want to limit our dev teams to a human-sized team of 80 people at the very highest of the peak in the production cycle. We don’t want to become a huge studio where there’s over 100 people on a title. We want a smaller, multi-discipline group that are tightly knit together. But by doing so, we will give them at least 18 to 24 months for the production cycle.”

    However, it’s extremely unlikely Deus Ex’s daddy, Warren Spector, will have anything to do with the project, as Shacknews points out. His Junction Point Studios was recently bought by Disney, keeping him tied up in big-money development for the foreseeable future. Nor does it seem likely that designer Harvey Smith will be involved, being all wrapped up with the development of Blacksite 2 down in Austin, Texas.

    Oh. Well there goes my scepticism. Now I’m ever so excited. I’m so glad to hear that it’ll be a major AAA title using only next-gen technology and that those pesky original creators won’t be involved. This is really promising.


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