So, that’s the end of that – my little offline experiment didn’t seem to have much of a point, so now I’m back online.
Here’s a little something I’ve been looking at over the last few days: my old GBA game, The Hunt. (If you haven’t already played it, you can get it at that link. You’ll need a GBA emulator or a flash card to play it.)
I’ve thought about sitting down and porting it to the DS, but I can’t justify the time involved to do it – which is a bit annoying, since if I was working nine to five somewhere I could set whatever timetable I liked for myself. But I guess there have to be some drawbacks to being self employed 🙂
My new game is a puzzle/adventure game that is starting to take shape, and with any luck should be released before I run out of money (which, at the moment, is March/April or thereabouts!). Hopefully I’ll have something to show very soon. This is something I’ve wanted to work on for years, but I won’t really know if it’s going to work until I implement it. I have a feeling I’m on to something, though 🙂