Mind Control Rocket: Tutorial

Some people seem to be getting a bit lost with MCR, so I wrote a tutorial to help people get started. See after the break to read it.

Oh, and I should have mentioned this a few days ago – the rest of the entries into the contest are up. There are almost 50! Check them out here! I was going to put together a post with some of my favourites like I did with the B-Games, but as I’m taking part it’s probably not a good idea. After the contest it might be a nice thing to do, though 🙂 I’m just sorry that I could only vote for three games!

I should also mention that I’m working on an update for my entry, which I feel was a bit rushed. There are a few very crucial things I didn’t have time to add that I really want to see in the game, and I’m hoping to reduce the amount of “tweaking” required to play the game and make it more political/combat focused. This will mean some major changes, though, like completely changing how unit production works and reducing the number of countries down to 4 or 5. I’m also going to change the share buying bit to work in intervals of 10% and give your siblings 10% to start with, so that aspect should be significantly downplayed. And of course, the Mind Control Rockets will be taking more of a centre stage 🙂 It’s not really that much work – the hard part is done, so it shouldn’t take much more than a week to put together. Oh, and I’m still planning on writing that “bloggy catchup post” that I’ve been promising since the new year…

Anyway, the tutorial 😀

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All Hail Mind Control Rocket

It’s out! Download We Love Mind Control Rocket (2.8Mb, Windows) here!

I found an artist eventually – the very talented Derek Yu volunteered to create all of the art for the game, making it look better than it has any right to.

I’m sorry that I didn’t have time to make a tutorial – I’m going to work on a text one to post later on. I’m a little drained after working some crazy hours to get this finished for the deadline, but when I’ve recovered, expect a long post-mortem on the project 🙂 I’m also hoping to release a final version in a few weeks which fixes some of the balance problems in the game and adds some of the features that I didn’t have time for, so I’d really appreciate any constructive feedback that you can offer!

Here’s a link to the game’s thread on TIGSource, which will probably get updated more often than this post. 🙂


We Love Mind Control Rocket

One little side project that I’m working on at the moment is a little strategy game for TIGSource’s VGNG contest. I hope to have it finished by Tuesday week. The game’s about political manipulation: will post more in the next few days! For now, check out the forum thread on TIGSource for a bit more info.

Sorry it’s been so quiet around here: but don’t worry, it’s a good sign. I’ve been real busy lately.