Time for something a little more serious!

Xoldiers is a short level based shooter by me and Cactus. The X stands for explosions*! (*no it doesn’t)
[Edit] We’ve updated the game! The new version includes a level editor, and, get this, an online level database accessible inside the game! Our simple approach comes with an upload limit so only small/medium size levels can be uploaded, but still, neat, huh? 🙂 This version also includes in-game highscores, as well as some minor bug fixes.
Check it out here:
I like it!
When I saw the screenshots I thought ‘that has a definite Cactus vibe going on’, and only then I read the text below 😉
Another awesome work by you Terry. I wish you stayed with us. 😉
Brother, you outdid yourself. This game has the makings of an immediate cult hit. Now please add more levels – or even better: a level editor. And if you should ever plan on improving the game or making a sequel: How about a player VS. player mode (Think of “A.T.A. – Extracts from the Civil War”)?
Lachie: Sometimes I really miss QB, heh.
EvilWraith: We actually have something in the works… 😉
Yup, I just read something in Cactus’ boards. Well, I’m dying to know 🙂 .
Awesome game. Does this replace SpaceVoid, or is that in the works, too?
Space/Void is more or less finished; it’s just a matter of finding the time to add the finishing touches 😛 We’re still hoping to release it, eventually…
Thank you, dude! Thank you! Now there’s only one little thing missing: A two-player versus mode 8) …
Haha, that sounds cool but I wouldn’t hold my breath 😛
[…] can determine how a battle is fought, but victory always results in the same outcome. Terry “Xoldiers” Cavanagh just released a game called “Pathways” that plays with the concept of […]
Holy crap, I totally missed this one!
This is ace! Is it playable without an internet connection?
yep 🙂
game wont start
It is nice to see that one color sprites still have not died yet. With all the explosions going on it gets hard to see sometimes, but still fast paced and action-y!
This one is a joy to play, with a good balance of fast-paced button-mashing action and take-your-time strategy. (Occasionally I ended up with one soldier grenade-spamming the bases. :D)
Also, I got a good laugh out of the general’s words. 🙂
game not working for me
action number 1
of Create Event
for object menu:
Error defining an external function.
Fuzzy: Did you unzip the game?
yeah, tried running from the zipfile too
Huh. Not sure why you’re having a problem, then. Sorry!
The link won’t get the game for me.
64 digits (cactus’ host) seems to be down right now – I’m sure it’s just a temporary thing!
Bugger, I guess 64digits is dead 🙁 I’ve linked to the version here instead, so. Thanks for pointing it out!
The explosions are really well-done (massive cloud screen shake weird paint residue), very chaotic.
The shape of your platoon limits movement/strategy: that’s brilliant. Go Rambo!
Custom level Editor Rox…
Thanks terry I almost finished all the games you posted on your website..
I worry when you’re away..
I’ve noticed that the game keeps saying it’s corrupted when I download it… it may just be my computer or something… but maybe something happened to its link.
Weird! I just checked it and it’s fine 🙁
Try the link on Charlie’s site: https://www.charliesgames.com/cactus/xoldiers.zip
Great game! Just FYI, we just did a review of it over at IndieReview:
Cheers! 🙂
Ah, thanks 🙂
[…] longevitÁ sia quasi un pugno nello stomaco, questa produzione indipendente (opera di Cactus e Terry) trasuda satira pacifista da ogni pixel e gode di un fascino davvero particolare. Alla guida di un […]
[…] Puedes descargar Xoldiers aquí. […]
[…] Puedes descargar Xoldiers aquí. […]
[…] Volete un gioco con grafica spettacolare ? Cercate in quache altro post. Volete un minigioco dannatamente divertente ? Questo Á¨ quello giusto ! Un minigioco perchÁ¨ non Á¨ lungo ma quel poco che c’Á¨ non vi farÁ rimpiangere di averlo scaricato. Gira in full screen e sembra visualizzato dall’emulatore del VIC20. GiÁ il commodore 64 sfoggiava una grafica migliore ma questo gioco saprÁ prendervi dal primo all’ultimo minuto. E’ un gioco di guerra stilizzato all’inverosimile, quella serie di puntini sullo schermo che si muoveranno con i tasti cursore sono il vostro squadrone di soldati. Quelle altre cose disegnate dalla parte opposta sono la base nemica. Si intravedono delle costruzioni e dei carri armati. E saranno il vostro bersaglio, dovrete arrivare lÁ e distruggere tutto con il vostro muro di fuoco. L’unica possibilitÁ per non farvi ammazzare tutti sarÁ quella di ordinare alla vostra squadra di abbassarsi, per farlo premerete premerete il tasto X (per sparare userete Z). PerÁ² quando sarete abbassati non potrete sparare. Con il tasto C potete anche usare le granate. Riuscirete a distruggere tutte le installazioni restando con qualche soldato vivo ? Mah, poi mi direte… Se poi vorrete vantarvi dei vostri punteggi da quello che ho capito c’Á¨ anche una high-score table online. Da provare assolutamente !UPDATE: 27-11-2008NUOVA VESIONE !AGGIUNTI NUOVI LIVELLI + EDITOR + LIVELLI SCARICABILI ONLINE !Official website + High-score table […]