Hope you monitor new comments. 🙂
I wont probe, but I guess it is safe to presume that both pathways and don’t look back are in some ways autobiographical. Even if it is not so, I found it strange that we (the player) start out assuming that the 1st woman is the wife of the player, only for one of the paths to flat out contradict it by making her the mother! And atleast one path(the cheating on the wife path explictly makes her the wife) The final narrative can be interpreted with both the woman as wife and woman as mother motif. Why did you do that?
Just one more thing, (as feedback!) I donno about others, but I found the “message” in don’t look back more moving precisely because the herculean “efforts” of the on-screen character and me as the player were the same. The world he moved through echoed the storyline you were telling too. Here, you are just pressing the right arrow and waiting for the story to unfold!
Pathways reminds me of “the passage” which touches on similar themes and looks similar – Don’t look back is just that little bit too hard for me to stick out which is a pity because I want to see the end but overall this is VERY nice work well done!!
I like how freeform and open to interpretation the whole thing is. By playing through the paths, are we getting a sense of the history of the character? Are we seeing different potential futures? You can build a narrative in your head based on all the paths and choose what you want the game to mean. Very nice.
Brilliant. Didnt make sense at first, but the diversion of pathways in life and the girl in black acting as philisophical mentor in the crossroads of his life made this illusion beautiful
I don’t like how the black-haired girl is so… direct in her way of talking to you, would be nice if she spoke with a little more mysterious flair – to suggest that she knows what you’re going through, but not explicitly spell it out.
A great “game” – the inability to go backwards, is of course, significant to understanding the game’s theme.
I thought the order the events appeared on the 8th path was a clue to which order in which to do them to unlock the actual 8th path, I did it in the order (Grave, Drinks, Kid’s Drawing, The Beating, The Dragon, Becoming a Soldier, and having the affair) and nothing happened, is there a certain way to navigate through the events in the 8th path to unlock a new one, or did I just waste my time?
it’s still a good game without a secret ending, but when I notices on my second playthrough that the events of the 8th appeaered in the same order, I went into puzzle mode and wrote them down to do them in that order.
[…] Dead Cites, Walker and Silhouette, Lost Pig, Fail Safe, Simon the Sorceror, Monkey Island, ZRacer, Pathways and Alabaster, and Adrienne showed us a bit of The Path on the […]
[…] How to Raise a Dragon, I don’t want to review the game, so I’d just recommend downloading it here and playing it yourself. To me, these games are experiments, and ranking them strictly on how […]
[…] já devem ter percebido que a jogabilidade lembra fortemente a de Pathways e Passage (ambos gratuitos). Pathways, de Terry Cavanagh, permite apenas que andemos para frente e, […]
This game is brilliant 🙂
I like all your games though, I’d top this at number 2, followed by Don’t look back, and preceded by Judith 😀
Hope to see more of these awesome games ^_^
Hi Terry, compliments for the beautiful game. I’d like to ask you something: did you maybe get inspiration from the first Silent Hill for this? I’ve found a lot of similarities between the two games! 😉
I really wish there was a Mac version. I loved Judith and Don’t Look Back.
can I please have the song names? I loved them 🙁
[…] segundo de ellos es Pathways. Un juego-historia-experimento tan sencillo como un libro de “Elige tu propia […]
[…] mentions: Pathways (Terry Cavanagh) [Windows, freeware]- Such simple graphics, such a moving message. And Yet It Moves […]
Hi Terry,
Hope you monitor new comments. 🙂
I wont probe, but I guess it is safe to presume that both pathways and don’t look back are in some ways autobiographical. Even if it is not so, I found it strange that we (the player) start out assuming that the 1st woman is the wife of the player, only for one of the paths to flat out contradict it by making her the mother! And atleast one path(the cheating on the wife path explictly makes her the wife) The final narrative can be interpreted with both the woman as wife and woman as mother motif. Why did you do that?
Just one more thing, (as feedback!) I donno about others, but I found the “message” in don’t look back more moving precisely because the herculean “efforts” of the on-screen character and me as the player were the same. The world he moved through echoed the storyline you were telling too. Here, you are just pressing the right arrow and waiting for the story to unfold!
Pathways reminds me of “the passage” which touches on similar themes and looks similar – Don’t look back is just that little bit too hard for me to stick out which is a pity because I want to see the end but overall this is VERY nice work well done!!
Any plans to release anything on mobile / iPhone?
I don’t get the controls.
[…] Terry Cavanagh’s Pathways (and unlike Aisle), the game is less about the player’s choices reflecting back on him or […]
[…] Terry Cavanagh’s Pathways (and unlike Aisle), the game is less about the player’s choices reflecting back on him or […]
Loved the game!
I like how freeform and open to interpretation the whole thing is. By playing through the paths, are we getting a sense of the history of the character? Are we seeing different potential futures? You can build a narrative in your head based on all the paths and choose what you want the game to mean. Very nice.
Really glad you liked it, Grenideer 🙂
Thank you so much for it, Terry.
I loved your game, very good narrative and a very interesting experience…
Wrote a longer review on my site, in French.
Cheers and keep up the good work !
I also loved Don’t Look Back and Judith. Huge Mac user and I’m hoping this and VVVVVV will be available!
Great game, at the first sight of the man i started spamming ctrl… Don’t know why though…
good game i liket it it was funplay it and u will see.
I recently played the VVVVVV demo and that made me take a look at some of the other things Terry has made…
This game is great! (that one too 😉 )
It’s good that creative independent games developers like you are making things like this.
Pleeez make an OSX build!
I really liked it, and all the rest of your games. Keep it going for long! 😀
[…] quite long and costs money, except that that would be to the disparagement of his earlier free games, which are entirely proper in their own […]
I really love your games:D
please make an mac version!!
[…] wait! Doesn’t this look a lot like that Pathways […]
Brilliant. Didnt make sense at first, but the diversion of pathways in life and the girl in black acting as philisophical mentor in the crossroads of his life made this illusion beautiful
I like it because its like life and how most decisions in life you can turn back and undo. Great game!
[…] Si no lo habéis hecho aún, id aquí, descargad Pathways en 3 segundos y jugarlo en 5 minutos. No os […]
I like it!
I don’t like how the black-haired girl is so… direct in her way of talking to you, would be nice if she spoke with a little more mysterious flair – to suggest that she knows what you’re going through, but not explicitly spell it out.
A great “game” – the inability to go backwards, is of course, significant to understanding the game’s theme.
[…] The Appetizer: Pathways […]
Please consider porting this game to Linux (maybe using Gluon). That would really be awesome !
[…] Pathways […]
I thought the order the events appeared on the 8th path was a clue to which order in which to do them to unlock the actual 8th path, I did it in the order (Grave, Drinks, Kid’s Drawing, The Beating, The Dragon, Becoming a Soldier, and having the affair) and nothing happened, is there a certain way to navigate through the events in the 8th path to unlock a new one, or did I just waste my time?
it’s still a good game without a secret ending, but when I notices on my second playthrough that the events of the 8th appeaered in the same order, I went into puzzle mode and wrote them down to do them in that order.
Once I figured out my thoughts of what was going on, I actually began to cry a little.
Great game, there’s too few of them out there that actually make you think.
Terry Cavanagh, you are too brilliant for words.
[…] Dead Cites, Walker and Silhouette, Lost Pig, Fail Safe, Simon the Sorceror, Monkey Island, ZRacer, Pathways and Alabaster, and Adrienne showed us a bit of The Path on the […]
I’m sad now.
powerful stuff. I can try my life again and again but all the endings are sad!
animation remake of “pathways”
Oh wow, awesome! 🙂
[…] o momento que joguei Pathways pela primeira vez, passei a seguir com afinco tudo que é feito por Terry Cavanagh. Cavanagh tem […]
[…] How to Raise a Dragon, I don’t want to review the game, so I’d just recommend downloading it here and playing it yourself. To me, these games are experiments, and ranking them strictly on how […]
[…] já devem ter percebido que a jogabilidade lembra fortemente a de Pathways e Passage (ambos gratuitos). Pathways, de Terry Cavanagh, permite apenas que andemos para frente e, […]
[…] Pathways jest grÄ… freeware, można jÄ… Å›ciÄ…gnąć z tej strony; […]
This game is brilliant 🙂
I like all your games though, I’d top this at number 2, followed by Don’t look back, and preceded by Judith 😀
Hope to see more of these awesome games ^_^
[…] Pathways […]
Hi Terry, compliments for the beautiful game. I’d like to ask you something: did you maybe get inspiration from the first Silent Hill for this? I’ve found a lot of similarities between the two games! 😉
I love Silent Hill, but I’m not seeing the connection!