I’m itching to finally release Don’t Look Back after spending the last month working on it, but unfortunately I’m going to have to wait a while before I can – as an experiment, and since I’m, like, practically bankrupt, I’ve decided to try looking for a sponsorship. The game’s on Flash Game Licence, but it looks like the whole process is a lot slower than I thought it was. So I don’t quite know when I’ll be able to release it, unfortunately 🙁

In the meantime, I’ve decided to try and finish off one of the old projects I’ve got knocking around. I felt like working on Pathways, and something recently came up which gave me a good pretence to finally finish it off! I might have it out by the end of the week? Possibly? Who knows!

Currently, here’s where I am: the engine is finished, the dialogue is about 50% done, the music is finished, but I’m starting from scratch with the graphics to take a different approach with it, so all of that needs to be done. Here’s a preview of the new style I’m going for:

I’m still doing the mixed resolutions thing, but it’s a lot more subtle now, I think.

I should have a better idea by Saturday with regards to how long this one will take to finish… I’m thinking of making a short game tomorrow too though, if I do that’ll probably hold things up a bit.

2 thoughts on “Please don’t be away too long”
  1. The screenshot looks good.

    Have you considered developing an Xbox Live Community Game (https://creators.xna.com/en-us/xnags_islive)? Community Games may provide a way to monetize your efforts, since the Xbox has a large built in audience. I think it would also greatly decrease the amount of time, money, and effort required for marketing and advertising.

    Right now, since Xbox Community Games are relatively new, there are not a lot of games on there that you would have to compete against… almost none in some of the categories.

    Just an idea.

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