Remember that something short and fun I mentioned in the last post? It’s going really well, but turns out it’s not as short as I thought it would be. Though that’s a good thing – this project is a lot of fun to work on!
The game’s called VVVVVVVV. I think I’m finally far enough along to post some screenshots:
I’ve already been working on it for about two weeks. I think maybe it’ll take another two, but hopefully not much longer.
Is it being made in flash, or something else?
Looks really Awesome btw! ^^ Luv the retroness =D
Jet Set Willy influence? Looking forward to this immensely.
Finally some shots 😀 loving the old school style, I may just have to give this a post for its sheer awesomeness…
Looks a little better than detonate actually.
[…] o jogo era chamado “vvvvvvvvvv”, depois “vvvvvvvv” e agora “VVVVVVVV” o jogo é um retrÁ´ de plataforma que tará um monte de segredos Á serem destrancados e […]
Looks great! Any platform game with named screens gets me all hot and sweaty!
Can we abbreviate it as V8, or does that ruin everything? 😉
[…] di piÁ¹ corposo, e il gioco dovrebbe essere pronto tra circa una settimana. Nell’attesa, sul blog dello sviluppatore potete trovare tante altre immagini di VVVVVVVV: dategli uno sguardo! […]
I prefer the idea of Detonate, but hey, still looks like something I’d enjoy playing!
Oh, and… erm… interesting name you have there 😛
Cheers! 🙂
Looks great! I can feel the fun factor oozing from every screen. Looking forward to this one.
Looks promising.
“Maybe it’ll take another two weeks, but hopefully not much longer.”
If you only knew…
i have it for 3ds
I can see the changes from Before!
– The checkpoint was a parolellogram before.
– Now there are TOKENS (and hard to get), not yellow coins
I can’t see anything else.
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Hey, Terry! I thought of something that SWAPS the VVVVVV characters around. It’s VilliSwap. I know, I know. VVVVVV is copyrighted. But isn’t it amazing?! How I can swap characters around?
I remember managing to play this game, and I wonder how I can get to it again. I’m getting a little desperate about it…Where is the game?
Ñp la ex