VVVVVV is complete. You can now get it from its website https://thelettervsixtim.es/!
I apologise for how last minute this all was! I’ve just sent out the preorders to anyone who donated. If for any reason you haven’t gotten that, get in touch and I’ll sort you out.
I’ve just been told that the emails might have been marked as spam, since it got sent out to quite a few people. Be sure to check your spam filter, just in case!
I’d just like to remind you that if you like the soundtrack, Souleye is selling that separately on his own site here: https://www.souleye.se/
Want to talk about the game here? I recently added a forum!
Thanks for all the support and encouragement over the last few months. I hope you enjoy the game!
i think you can buy it at Nintendo EShop for 3DS…
Amazing game, I play it on the 3DSxl and it’s a lot of fun, congratulations, also the music is fantastic, got the pppppp sound files as well I like it
[…] to master.” I think a game that defines itself so simply and elegantly as Super Hexagon or VVVVVV leaves little room for flaws and leaves a much stronger impression as […]
Its realy cool, i buyed it for nintendo 3ds and i think it´s on 3ds better then on pc!
[…] on hold to help you get to yours is a special thing. Chatting to Terry Cavanagh, the creator of VVVVVV and Super Hexegon, who is a very evil and smart man as his games are very very hard, but equally […]
[…] Hexagon wurde von Terry Cavanagh entwickelt, der mit VVVVVV bereits erste Erfolge in der Videospielbranche feiern […]
Just recently bought V^6 on 3DS. I gladly hand you my $7, sir.
that game looks so cool
Is this going to be put up on the App Store for iOS? I really want to get it for my phone…..
it was very hard
Hey, I REALLY loved this game! Sad to hear you’ll soon (or already) never touch it again… 🙁
Anyway, I thought it would be cool to make a sequel. That. Would. Be. AWESOME! Just think, the story could go further! Maybe a little bit of Viridian’s history, and maybe when you beat the game you can play as other characters? That would be fun!
Yeah, I know how hard programming could be, but think of the fans! We loved the game and want to see more!
This was an EXTREMELY fun and addicting game. I WANT A SEQUEL!
I got it on iPad for $3.49. Plz make more games and maybe a VVVVVV 2!
This game (VVVVVV) is awesome! I’m tried play 100% of the game VVVVVV, but i’m can’t play 100% “The Final Challenge”. So that’s very-very HARD GAME!!!
I heard the demo version is HELL, While the full version is HEAVEN! Unfortunately, I have to buy HEAVVVVVVEN.
purchased from humble bundle and got a file named vvvvvv-06182014-bin which i can’t get to run. is there support for this?
yep! Send me an email and I’ll try to help you out!
The -bin file is for linux – if you’re not on linux, try looking for another platform!
I want make and play for android
This must be some kind of sick joke. I got banned from using the forums just by saying “You stole my level name”.
I’m just catching up on the forums now, and it looks like you got banned for spamming the forum over and over again with “EEEEEE? You stole my level name!” along with messages like “TROLOLOLO” and “You cannot stop me.”, even after being asked to cool it by one of the moderators.
Also, you claim to have made your level three years before the game even came out, so I dunno what you’re on about? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Anyway, looks like the ban is expiring in a day or so. Maybe chill out a bit when you’re back if you want to continue posting on the forums?
What are you talking about?! You permabanned me… Now, thanks to you… I have unintended business to attend to… Not on forum, but blog.
Terry, I have had it. Next, thanks to you, I have a game you have to get free that you originally have to pay for. Can YYYYYYou guess what it is?
That’s right. It’s VVVVVV… Making it cost something does not, I repeat, NOT make a difference. Getting it on MediaFire in its Steam version, however, does. Unfortunately, .zip WinRAR archive files cost money after a 30 day trial. So, it doesn’t always work.
Cool, good for you dude
And now I’ve been permabanned for mocking a forum user I don’t like.
Yep! Bye!
Hey!! I just bought the game for PC, but I cant find where to put the download code to get the actual file? I got the download code in the PayPal email but yeah, cant find where to enter it/no instructions to get the actual game.
This game is fantastic!! I bought it on the 3ds and I have re-played for a lots of times, every single level. But I have things i have to ask:
First: whats new in version 1.1 of the 3ds?
Second: Why it isnt added the map editor on 3ds? If added free, the game will be even more enjoyable.
Thanks for making games like this ^^!
Love the game, currently played on my phone (Google Play) and just managed to get all the trinkets. Now, my goal is to beat time trials, no death mode, and last a minute in the Super Gravitron.
no matter how hard i try, i simply cannot get the trinket on edge games…
u made it 2 hard
This is a good game!
Hello, does anyone know how to use the music “Predestined Fate Remix” with a script box? Please tell me!
Make and Play for Android would be amazing!