MAVERICK BUS follows his own rules
It’s now possible to export Klik and Play games to flash! 🙂
So naturally, I ported Maverick Bus the first chance I got.

It’s now possible to export Klik and Play games to flash! 🙂
So naturally, I ported Maverick Bus the first chance I got.
I’m back from the IGF! Er, actually, I’ve been back for ages. I’m still recovering.
I’ve mentioned before on this site about feeling isolated from the rest of the indie community by living out here in Ireland – and after the IGF finalists were announced in January I really felt like I had no right going to this thing. Thankfully, I eventually realised how silly that was and went anyway. It was an amazing week. To finally meet so many people that have inspired me to do what I’m doing, that I’d only ever talked to online before, was incredible.
Unfortunately with it being so crazy there were a lot of other people that I was only able to have a very brief icebreaking chat with, or didn’t meet at all, but hopefully I can make up for that next year!
Near the end of the week I made a couple of short throwaway games, at the Glorious GDC Gameboree 2010 in a Hilton Hotel close to where I was staying, and at Noisebridge, a hackerspace in San Francisco. My games aren’t very good, but this one is possibly worth playing:
It’s inspired by a game I played at the amazing Gamma IV party.
The other two: this game, which is based on a random page from a random book, and this, which is a game of skill for four players!
11 CommentsIt’s the first of March! Results of my game a month experiment so far: One game that wasn’t very interesting that I feel compelled to eventually finish for arbitrary reasons, and one game which is quite interesting that I feel compelled to put to one side for arbitrary reasons.
Maybe I need to rethink what I’m doing.
Ok. While I still plan to continue working on shortform games this year, I think I’m going to abandon this arbitrary game a month restriction, which isn’t really working out. It’s clear that moving on to new projects regularly is good for me, but I think I need to find a way to do it which is a better fit to the way that I actually work.
Anyway: at the very least this means that I’m going to keep working on Big Hero for a while. 🙂 Here are some new screenshots!