It’s the first of March! Results of my game a month experiment so far: One game that wasn’t very interesting that I feel compelled to eventually finish for arbitrary reasons, and one game which is quite interesting that I feel compelled to put to one side for arbitrary reasons.

Maybe I need to rethink what I’m doing.

Ok. While I still plan to continue working on shortform games this year, I think I’m going to abandon this arbitrary game a month restriction, which isn’t really working out. It’s clear that moving on to new projects regularly is good for me, but I think I need to find a way to do it which is a better fit to the way that I actually work.

Anyway: at the very least this means that I’m going to keep working on Big Hero for a while. 🙂 Here are some new screenshots!

8 thoughts on “Hmmm”
  1. Yay! I’m glad you’re going to keep pursuing it. No point in abandoning a great game idea due to a self-imposed arbitrary rule. I think the challenge is what probably got you to work on this so quickly anyways, so I say once you’re done this, start trying to meet your monthly quota again until you come up with another good idea 😉

  2. It’ll be interesting hearing how this goes for you. I like the idea of doing a lot of shorter games in rapid succession, but I find that at this point I’m not terribly good at estimating how long each project will take. I look forward to more Big Hero updates.

  3. Perhaps rather than rewriting a whole game engine and such every month…

    Maybe you could write a super long game, that is split up into installments which are released once a month?

    It would make it simpler, but… I’m sure you’ve thought of this already, and that it would defeat the purpose of the one game per month idea, wouldnt it?

  4. I can’t wait to play Big Hero; the prototype has a ton of potential and now I’m soooo excited! Get on it, man!

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