The Trophy

Posted in VVVVVV

Sorry for the lack of context in the last post! I’m currently out in LA attending Indiecade. I was so exhausted when I got back to the hotel last night that I couldn’t think of anything else to post 🙂 Actually, I still don’t have the words. But here’s a picture of what I was so excited about:


News from Nexus City

Posted in nexus city

I ended up being really busy in September with non-game making stuff, but I’m still working on Nexus City!

Next week I’m taking a few days off to attend Indiecade! When I get back, though, this project is going to be my main focus until it’s finished. My other projects (the Ludum Dare RPG and TIGSource compo game), I’m putting on hold for a while.

Jonas and I only meant to spend about a week on this, but I guess we weren’t really taking the whole “it’s an RPG” thing into account. It is a relatively small project, though. Hopefully it won’t take too long before we can share it with you.