Didn’t do a whole lot of work on Nexus City this week; I’ve mostly been busy finishing up a small project I worked on at last weekend’s Everybody Draw Game Jam. Hopefully that’ll finally be finished by the end of this week!
Following on from suggestions last week, though, I doubled the basic resolution of the game so I could use a larger font, and free up the textboxes so that they appeared beside the character that’s speaking. This is a WIP screenshot – I don’t really know what the textboxes are going to look like yet – but I think the concept is basically working!
The big advantage of doing textboxes this way is that it makes cutscene choreography a hell of a lot easier for me – i.e. it’s now always clear who’s talking, which up to now has been a real problem (which I mostly solved by having people constantly turning or stepping forward, Final Fantasy VI style).
I am so excited for this.
I haven’t seen any battle screens. Will there be any sort of combat system?
“I haven’t seen any battle screens. Will there be any sort of combat system?”
I cant wait for these screenshotes too 🙂
Changing the game’s resolution has actually more or less undone what I’d already done on the battle stuff visually, so I’m going to have to redo all that! It’s a big part of the game, though.
Changing the colour of the texts or character name to match the colour of the character is also a plus to quickly identify who’s talking 😉
Very true!