Self Destruct 2
Way back at the start of the year, I made a blog post about some of the ideas I had for new games to work on this year. Originally I wanted to try releasing a game a month, but that didn’t really work out. The main thing I wanted to work on, though, the first thing I listed, was to make a more ambitious shooter:
There’s something about constructing a set of shooter mechanics that I really enjoy – it’s very different from the way I usually approach level design. I don’t feel like I’ve really explored this interest of mine very much at all, so this year I’ll probably make several shooters.
I love making shooters, but I’ve yet to spend more than a weekend or so making one. So, with Nexus City ramping up into a big serious project, I decided to take a week out and make something else first.
I don’t have an actual title yet, but since I’m sorta thinking of it as a spiritual successor to Self Destruct, I’ve been calling it Self Destruct 2.

(There’s also a bit of Bullet Time in there too)
What I’m trying to do with this, basically, is to take the ultra-fast, short-round thing I’ve done in the past and extend it over multiple levels. I’ve been working on it sporadically all week, so already I’ve put more work into it than any other shooter I’ve made, but it’s still far from done. My plan for further development is to make it my weekend project, with Nexus City being a Monday-Friday thing.