This week, VVVVVV’s had the very good fortune of being listed as a “staff pick” on the relatively new Mac App store, which launched me into the top 30 games on the store (and into the top 100 overall). Lots of new people who would probably never have tried the game otherwise are discovering it for the first time, which is pretty cool!
To celebrate, I’m matching the Steam Christmas sale with a sale of my own, and putting the game on sale this weekend for just $1.99 USD (or £1.19 GBP, €1.59 EUR), exclusive to the Mac App Store!
VVVVVV on the Mac App Store
Please spread the word! This weekend only!
Here are a couple of the nicer user reviews the game’s gotten from Mac users:
The best game I’ve played in the last 5 years ***** by Neven Mrgan
VVVVVV is a wonderful retro game, but that is only a small part of its charm. The fact that it gets *absolutely everything* right is the real victory. The graphics are cute and sharp, the level design is super-creative and challenging, the puzzles are simple but often maddening, the music is amazing. Among the movies I’ve seen and books I’ve read in the last few years, VVVVVV stands out as one of the best pieces of entertainment. I couldn’t possibly recommend it any more.
Shockingly good! ***** by primitiveworker
Tight controls, compelling story, challenging areas, cohesive minimalist 8-bit design, metroid-like in its exploration and excellent 8-bit music! A gem!
Wow. Just, wow. ***** by Scott Jon Siegel
I’m guilty of having never played VVVVVV before. This game’s an incredible platformer, and worthy of your hard-earned monies. Buy buy buy.