Coming soon: PPPPPPowerup!
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PPPPPPurchased đ
PPPPPPurchased too… and I must say, it’s an amazing album! đ
It’s awesome that people like Chris Geehan and Brent Kennedy got to work on this. đ
This should’ve been FFFFFFree since the game was such a RRRRRRipoff with 80% of the maps being DDDDDDead SSSSSSpace.
Yeah, I’m not gonna do the RRRRRRepeating thing.
I bought the album but son am I disappoint.
My favourite song song from the original album was popular potpurri but there was no remix of that on the new album. Or did I miss it?
I just don’t see why not… It’s awesome.
Hey Dave!
While Popular Potpurri has some things unique to it, it is a medley of the other songs. I gave the artists free choice in what tune to remix, and nobody chose that one, sadly. They wanted the standalone ones, I guess.
If overall you’re not happy with your purchase, I’ll be happy to refund you. Just mail me with the transaction ID.
Magnus! Wow, tack för att du svarade pÄ min kommentar.
Nej! VÀrd varenda krona. Tycker det Àr ett riktigt bra remix-album, blev bara lite ledsen att inte Potpurrin var dÀr.
Men förstĂ„r vad du menar. Tycker bara att den Ă€r sĂ„ “glad” jĂ€mfört med de andra lĂ„tarna vilket skapar en bra kontrast. Ăâsch, jag har ingen aning vad jag pratar om :P.
Tycker verkligen om pianoversionerna av lÄtarna! Antar att det inte finns noter för dem?
Tack igen för ditt svar ^^