So Close

Posted in at a distance
By Terry Apr 30, 2011

I missed a deadline last night – I’d planned a small playtesting party at our place here in Cambridge, planned it over a week ago, but I totally underestimated how much work I actually needed to do to get everything to come together. So, had to cancel that. We played NIDHOGG instead.

No Quarter itself isn’t for almost two weeks, so I’m not worried about missing the deadline or anything like that; but it would be cool to have some time to test it out properly and polish it up before the exhibition. So I’m probably gonna give this weekend’s Ludum Dare a miss. Which I absolutely hate doing, especially as I like the theme, but it’s for the best.

It’s so close! This’ll be the biggest game I’ve finished since VVVVVV. Should probably start trying to come up with a name.

19 thoughts on “So Close”
  1. Seriously, there’s absolutely zero hurty-eyes involved with this game and I have no idea why anyone would think otherwise.

    I was totally floored by the visuals from day one – the unusual combination of immersive first person 3D and very lofi yet at the same time very smooth dither graphics create a really strong and unfamiliar feeling. The word ‘magical’ gets thrown around too often but here, for me, it feels justified. You’ll see.

  2. […] distractionware (Terry Cavanagh) – So Close “I missed a deadline last night – I’d planned a small playtesting party at our place here in Cambridge, planned it over a week ago, but I totally underestimated how much work I actually needed to do to get everything to come together. So, had to cancel that. We played NIDHOGG instead.” […]

  3. Looking forward to it.

    Oh and I love Nidhogg, that game was so much fun at Eurogamer Expo 2010.

  4. “Start Trying”
    That or leave it without a name so when people ask what it is called you can say it doesn’t have a name. This way people refer to it as ‘That Game’… that or “Start Trying”

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