Side by side

Posted in at a distance

At a distance is finished! It had it’s début last Thursday at NYU Game Center’s No Quarter Exhibition in New York, which I attended. Some very minor opening night bugs aside, the game worked out just as I’d hoped it would, with people talking about it over the course of the night and piecing together its logic. I couldn’t be happier about it!

If you wanna hear a bit more, two New York journalists Stephen Totilo of Kotaku and Cassandra Khaw of also attended the exhibition, and were kind enough to write a bit about my game! (There are some spoilers in those links, but nothing too serious.)

Since the exhibition, a lot of people have been asking me when they can play it – honestly, I’m not sure. It’s very much built for this particular setup, with two computers side by side; really, I don’t think it works outside of that arrangement. And I don’t expect a lot of people to go to the trouble of setting that up.

I could just throw it up on the internet now as it is, I suppose, but what I think I’d rather do is take some time to consider how I might expand it, how I might make it accessible to more people. I’m really proud of this game, and I want more people to play it.

In the meantime, if you’d like to play this or any of the other No Quarter games, the exhibition will continue to run in NYU Game Center for the rest of the month. I won’t be there, but if you do go check it out, let me know how you get on!

Oh! And if you happen to be running an event that you’d like to show At a distance at, get in touch!