At a Distance at SPIELSALON

Posted in at a distance

The next public viewing of At a Distance will be as part of this year’s SPIELSALON, a festival in Kassel, Germany from the 13th-17th of July! Unfortunately I won’t be there in person, but I believe there’s a chance Jonas will be there, as his game Alphaland is also part of the festival. Feel free to bug him with loads of questions about Nexus City!

From the website: The SPIELSALON is the festival of author games. It reflects the artistic development of computer games with a theoretical as well as a hands-on approach.


Isothingy returns

Posted in naya's quest

Decided to work on this thing again:

It was basically finished a couple of weeks ago, but I wasn’t really happy with it just being a straightforward puzzle game – so, I’m doing a little more work on it to turn it into something better.

Have been doing a little bit of messing around with flash Pixel Bender, which is what’s causing the nice fadein cushion around the screen, but it seems to slow the game down quite a bit so I probably won’t keep it.

Once this one is finished up, Jonas and I are planning to return to Nexus City! Or some place very near it, anyway.


Video from No Quarter

Posted in at a distance

Just thought I’d share this video of the No Quarter exhibition that NYU just posted! There’s also this writeup by Kill Screen.

Now that No Quarter’s finished up, I think I’ve got some idea now of how I want to finally release At a Distance, but honestly it’ll probably be some time before anything happens with it. In the meantime I want more people to be able to play it, so I’ve been talking to some game festival organisers about possibly showing it at some other venues this summer! I’ll post more once they’re confirmed.