Michael Brough’s “Seasons” is an atmospheric VVVVVV level. I’m hoping that future versions of the level editor will allow people to use their own graphics and music, and we’ll see a lot more of this sorta thing.

I really like how this level repurposes the simple tilesets from VVVVVV to represent different parts of a world – background skyscrapers in the city, checkpoints as traffic lights, a single blue line as an ocean.

Download: seasons.zip
(forum thread)

To play a VVVVVV player level, extract the .vvvvvv file into your VVVVVV levels folder. On windows, that should be in My Documents/VVVVVV, on Mac it’s Documents/VVVVVV, on Linux it’s ~/.vvvvvv

9 thoughts on “Featured VVVVVV level: “Seasons” by Michael Brough”
  1. Terry,

    Loving the game as much as when I first played it. Really like all the new stuff – especially ‘analogue mode’ in graphic settings. God, my eyes…

    (By the way, was your brief for the other people’s levels ‘Make them as hard as you can?’)

    Also, if I design a level with the level editor, how do I play it?

  2. xghjhgbvn: He told me several times to make mine easier – and I did. Truth be told, many of my rooms LOOK difficult – but aren’t really. (Except a few that are pretty rough).

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