Palace of Peril” is a level I like a lot, but I feel like I can’t talk about it without first pointing out that I have some serious reservations with it. This is without question the most difficult level I’ve featured – in fact, it’s so difficult that I wasn’t able to see the end myself without cheating and removing a wall in the editor. It’s a 10×9 level and it’s biggest problem, I think, is just that it’s a lot of good ideas diluted in a level that’s way too big to contain them.

There are five “areas” in the level – an outside area at the start, then yellow, green and cyan areas, and finally a laboratory area.

Of these, the yellow area and the green area are absolutely fantastic. The yellow area introduces a new mechanic, using VVVVVV’s primitive scripting in an unexpected way to do something I haven’t seen before. The green area expands on this, then, but takes in a different direction to make challenges that weren’t possible in VVVVVV.

This is a flawed level, but its flaws are more than made up for by the very inventive areas which do work, which I absolutely loved. I’m really looking forward to whatever its creator works on next!

(forum thread)

To play a VVVVVV player level, extract the .vvvvvv file into your VVVVVV levels folder. On windows, that should be in My Documents/VVVVVV, on Mac it’s Documents/VVVVVV, on Linux it’s ~/.vvvvvv

16 thoughts on “Featured VVVVVV Level: “Palace of Peril” by Blublu”
  1. Terry, a little typo: in linux, the level folder is in lowercase, .vvvvvv (being the system case sensitive…)

  2. What wall did you need to remove to beat the stage? I managed to beat the entire thing (all 7 trinkets in hand) without cheating.

    Does this mean I’m more pro at the game than the creator himself? :V

  3. Hi,

    I’m a full time GNU/Linux user and I loves me some Linux games. I’ve bought most every Thank you very much for the Linux port!

    Also, I’ve recently installed Steam for Linux (native) and activated my VVVVVV game on there but it doesn’t have a Linux version yet.

    Is it terribly too painful to ask that you also put the Linux port into Steam for Linux? I’m requesting this as well as actually wondering how much of a pain it is to do something like that.

    Again, Thanks a lot for the Linux ports, and good luck in your ventures!


  4. Oh my goodness. I need to make a crossover of VVVVVV. The levels are NOTHING compared to the, y’know, ACTUAL game.

  5. How do you download levels? When I try to download them, all I get is a screen with a bunch
    of coding. I REALLY want to download this, so please help!

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