Hello everypony! I guess it’s been pretty quiet around here recently. Time for a quick update on what I’ve been working on!
A couple of weeks ago, I put all my side projects on hold to focus completely on the Nexus City spinoff game (which, for the sake of clarity, is hereafter referred to on this blog as “Selma’s Story”). It’s going very slowly, but I am, finally, starting to make some progress with it.
I’ve spent the last few weeks working purely on the game’s battle system – I’m basically trying to make a prototype version of the game which is just a sequence of battles one after another, at which point I hope to get Jonas involved to work the existing script around it.
The main reason I haven’t been posting about it is that I’ve got nothing to *show* – as in, I’ve got no screenshots to post. I’m trying to keep the system as pure as possible right now, so I’m doing it without any graphical distractions whatsoever – it’s all text!
As for the battle system itself, I’m really excited about it – it’s very pure, very simple, and seems to exhibit a surprising depth. Can’t wait to share it 🙂
Yes! Welcome to the pony side.
Welcome to the herd! Sorry if you’re often asked this, but when can we expect a release of Nexus City? I’ve been pretty psyched for it ever since you announced it. I like the current breadth of your focus, though!
I thought I already loved you enough, but if you really are a brony… DUDE!!!
Oh, and good luck with your project!
You’ve turned into a horsefucker?
God damn it. That doesn’t take away from your ability as a game designer, but it makes it a whole lot harder to respect you as a human being.
Guys, all I said was “everypony”, don’t freak out :O
I saw one episode of My Little Pony the other night, I thought it was ok
Ha ha classic
no worries. we await patiently. good games take time.
the thing about bronies, is that they want to claim to own others souls for their own pride as in “one of us!” as a big furry acceptance thing
for your own sake (and sales), DON’T DO IT
chill out, dude
Yeah, haters tend to come up with crazy theories like that. Don’t worry, we’ll let you keep your soul 🙂
I just found it funny how someone as important as you used the term “everypony” in a game announcement. It’s ok if you don’t become a brony in the end, you’re still an awesome game creator anyway.
The thing about bronies is that they’re just people that like a certain show. Chill the fuck out, anon.
(dances around waving the RPG banner)
gj on becoming a brony, unfollowing your blog
@welp: goodbye!
@Kieran Nexus City isn’t actively being worked on right now, so I have no idea when it’ll be finished. Probably not for some time. Selma’s story is probably not that far away, though…
Stoked! Hope to play it soon.
The thing about My Little Pony is that most people who are aware of it either love it or hate it so you should have expected the reaction from both sides =)
Nice update! Also, can’t wait you to turn to the pony side – it would be amazing in gamedev mean :3
oh god reading all these comments are making my sides hurt
… to be fair, both sides of the war have their downfalls. I find it hilarious how that one word took over the comment topics.
On-topic: I hope to see those screenshots in the future! You’re a great dev, man!
If it’s made by Terry, it’s going to be awesome. Can’t wait to see what you’ve got in store!
“… everypony!”