I didn’t really know what picture to use for this blog post, so here’s some kittens in cups.

So, FreeIndieGam.es is going pretty well! We want to make sure we can keep it running long term, because we all feel it’s an important project. Currently, the site has just three editors – myself, Increpare, and Aquin. We’re looking to take on another editor – ideally, someone who has a similar idea about what constitutes an “interesting game” as the other editors on the site!

Here are some details about how we operate the site:

– We run the site in shifts, to minimise the time involved for everyone. The idea is that you take responsibility for the site for three days at a time, then pass it along to the next editor (so that you get an 9 day break from having to worry about updating it).

– We try to post at least two games a day, and more after competitions like Ludum Dare. We’re mostly focused on posting new stuff as it’s released, but posting older games you like from time to time is fine. We keep a list of blogs and forums that we regularly check for new releases.

– We’re not a review site – we don’t write anything at all about the games we post. All that’s required is that you find something interesting, and share it with our readers by posting a screenshot and a copy pasted description.

– We all have biases, and that’s reflected in the sort of games that we post. So we’re particularly interested in finding an editor that covers our blind spots – do you play a lot of adventure games? Visual novels? Interactive Fiction? Then we’re particularly interested in hearing from you!

– As a rule, we don’t post our own games on the site.

– There’s no money involved, and there never will be. This is a volunteer sort of thing. There are no ads on the site, or anything like that.

If you’re interested in helping out, or even if you just want to know more, then get in touch 🙂 Thanks!

EDIT: We have since found our new editor. Thank you!

4 thoughts on “Wanted: New editor for FreeIndieGam.es”
  1. interested in this. I know a lot of indie games out there and I really don’t mind not getting paid at all. I LOVE INDIE!

  2. The rate that you post links to games on FreeIndieGam.es is pretty impressive. I don’t think I could keep up with you lot, you churn out links to games almost all the time! I should know, I subscribed to the RSS feed and there is always an unread post or two (or ten). ^_^

  3. I’d love to help but I’m incredibly busy right now. I hope you find someone! It’s an amazing and brilliant site and you guys do a great job on it.

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