I have some exciting news that I really should have posted here sooner: Super Hexagon is finished. I finally submitted it to the app store about a week ago, and just this evening I got word that it’s passed review, and is ready to go live! Excellent!
I’m long overdue on posting some basic facts about all this, so here goes:
- I’m hoping to release it in a week, on Thursday the 6th of September, as a universal app for iPhone and iPad.
- The game’s gonna cost $2.99 – however, I’m launching it at a sale price of just $0.99 for the first week or so!
- Although I’m focusing on the iPhone version for the moment, I’m definitely going to put it out on other platforms later. PC/MAC at the very least, and android is a possibility too!
Ok, cool, I think that about covers it!
I’m really proud of this game – although I’ve only been working on it for about four months, it feels like I’ve been subconsciously working on it much, much longer than that… There’s this particular strand of action game that I keep coming back to, that I always seem to do at jams – games like Self Destruct, or Bullet Time, or memrrtiks, or even the Super Gravitron from VVVVVV – they all come from the same place – something instinctive – to me, it feels like they’re all getting at the same thing.
Super Hexagon feels like the game they’ve been heading towards all along.