Did you know that March is Hexagonal Awareness Month? It’s true! I swear this isn’t just something I’ve made up, it’s a real thing that exists!
To help increase everyone’s Hexagonal awareness, I’ve decided to put the game on sale for the rest of the month, on all platforms! Super Hexagon is now just a dollar everywhere – on steam, android, iPhone, and even Blackberry! This is the first time I’ve put the game on sale on all platforms at once like this, and the cheapest it’s ever been on steam. Enjoy!
Psh, hexagons whatever. Heptagons for life!
shut up and take my money!
Got that game :-). It’s trulry hard! I have much of fun when playing it :-D!
This game sucks… all my free time.
No promotion in France ? 🙁
Will Super Hexagon be avaible for Windows Phone someday? I already have it on Steam, but sometimes I feel like playing anywhere.
It’s also on the OpenPandora 😀