Ahhhh I’ve had to keep quiet about this for ages
Last month I took part in a chain game, which has come to be known as Experiment 12. I’m so happy with how it all came together – I think the final thing is incredibly cool, something bigger than the sum of its parts.
All the chapters were made on a game jam timescale – everyone had just three days for their part.
Since I proposed the project, I ended up going first – which was cool in some ways, but I think I’d prefer to start further in if we ever did something like this again.
Anwyay, hope you enjoy it!
Some words by other authors:
Ian Snyder (Chapter 2)
Jack King Spooner (Chapter 3)
Michael Brough (Chapter 6)
Robert Yang (Chapter 7)
Jasper Byrne (Chapter 12)
(It’s windows only for the moment, but there should be a mac version soonish)
Ooooooh! I saw Jasper post about this a few minutes ago. I have no idea what it is, but that’s probably a good thing. Play time!
What’s it made in? If it’s made in Flash, it would be cool if you could make it a site embed, as that would also enable Linux support (via pepperflash).
FIQ, it’s made in a variety of things. It looks like it has a Game Maker hub program, which launches chapters made in flash, game maker, unity, and HTML5 (and other things?). So it’s probably a bit unwieldy to repurpose.
“(It’s windows only for the moment, but there should be a mac version soonish)”
Soonish? That tells me to check back in 6 months
This is very cool, Michael Brough’s chapter is especially clever, as is to be expected of him. It’s really nice to see how the ideas you set up in the first chapter, spread and evolved through the rest. Kind of like an Exquisite Corpse project but with more information.
that was amazing i loved your part cant wait to see another game from you i especially loved the first person parts
Wow, I like this game!
But my Avast antivirus says that there is a virus (win32:Evo-gen) in in file chainch3.exe. I got back file from the quarantine.
StephenM3: Ok, I guess porting it would be a challenge then. Will try it out once I get on hold of a windows machine 🙂
Aha! I thought that bit was made by you!
I have just started a series of videos where me and my friend challenge each other to complete psychologically disturbing/ difficult games in an allotted time to gain points.
He got to challenge me first, and he picked Experiment 12. Just finished recording chapter 1 🙂
Jay, that sounds interesting. You should have entered your YouTube channel as your website when you commented!
Anybody want to help me with Chapter 6? I’ve got to a room where I have to light up the pink and blue things to get across two lighting up bits of pink on the right and blue on the left to touch a red thing on the floor of a platform (this screen is in the upper right of the screen). Then what happens? Do I have to make things happen on multiple screens?
The red button opens the red doors. Only one exists, in the first person world.
Hmm….Good point.
My channel is https://www.youtube.com/user/JayTechMedia
and the video concerning Experiment 12 is this playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_MBAq9WFYbmqmatbx80nETFn0lZXSZYU
I just finished the play through today 🙂
Excellent anthology all-around. It’s incredible how much originality and ingenuity came out of this, given the short time the developers had to make their chapters and given that there is always a risk inherent in group projects. What’s the point of putting effort into something if the project might just fall apart for reasons beyond your control?
Michael Brough’s chapter is clearly the strongest, but the chapters of Cavanagh, Zaratustra, Hazelden, and Byrne also exhibited a lot of new ideas and were great approaches to the anthology medium. I’ve never seen the mechanic used in Powell’s chapter before – if the mechanic debuted in this anthology, that would demonstrate just how generative these projects can be.
I translated chapter 7. The translation can be found in the comments of the linked post on Robert Yang’s blog.
Hi Terry,
I started playing Super Hexagon the nineth of june, today i finally unlocked the last level,
I took 2 months to achieve this.
I wanted to thank you for creating such an awesome game.
Unfortunately i’m not a female, and we can’t have babies together.
Keep up the good work 🙂
Chapter eleven doesn’t open at all when i press space and stuff (mac).
and ch7 soft locked my mac
am i supposed to have a certain font or his his text supposed to use missing symbols
Looks like this is going to jumpscare me at anytime ;D