Naya’s Quest
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Complete Games
naya's quest
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Hey, uh… I’m not sure if you’re aware of this but Cool Math Games has begun hosting some of your games, namely:
– Tiny Heist
– Grab Them By The Eyes
– Copycat(?)
– Naya’s Quest (this game)
– Don’t Look Back
and others. I’m just letting you know, wasn’t sure where else to go.
I’m aware, they have permission! Thanks for checking anyway 🙂
Holy shit, this is the most ingenious and mind fucking game I’ve ever seen. I thought I had better than average spatial ability, and I almost gave up on some of the later stages, the worst offenders being the hexagonal stage and the one with the top and side views.
By the way, this says 52 comments so far, but I can only see 2 newest. Is there a page function that isn’t working?
After posting that comment, I got this text on top of my comment:
Warning: Creating default object from empty value in /nfs/c10/h08/mnt/151513/domains/ on line 71
(feel free to delete this one after you read it)
Thanks! My wordpress theme is pretty out of date, I think it’s causing both issues! Will look into it soon.
Thank you for this game. I am blind in one eye and thus I have limited depth perception. This game incredibly is able to really effectively communicate some of that experience. I will be sad if Flash expiring at the end of 2020 signals the end of this game.
Nice job on this one Terry, I’d like to make some levels for this! if you wish, you may contact me on Discord @diceLibrarian#0429… I’m on the Unofficial VVVVVV Discord Server
i played the heck outta this game when it came out and I didn’t realize you made it lmao.
rest in peace flash, and this game