Hello 2014! Don’t worry, I’m not making any public new year’s resolutions – I never keep em anyway.
I was just thinking that I haven’t been posting much here recently, you know? Actually, it’s been a while since I’ve said much at all about what I’ve been working on. So, here we go: a snapshot of projects I’ve been working on recently, projects I’ve been thinking about working on, and projects I’m planning to come back to:

Untitled DarkSoulslike
Last time I mentioned this, I was looking for an artist. Well, I found one! A very talented London based comic artist called Cristian Ortiz, aka CROM, creator of Golden Campaign.
Collaborations have a way of getting a little out of hand, but I’m still hoping that this one will come together as a small, contained world to experience. Realistically, I think it’ll take another month or so.

Halting Problem
I took a complete break from this game just before the IGF submission deadline last year. I haven’t worked on it since. I needed some time away from it. Still do. I wanna finish a few small things before I take this on again.
Halting Problem is a big, scary game. There are a few ideas at its heart that I think have potential to be very, very special, if I’m good enough to bring them to life. I haven’t forgotten about this game. It feels the way Super Hexagon did, the way VVVVVV did, and the way At a Distance and Nexus City did – that idea that won’t go away.
When I come back to this game, I don’t want there to be any distractions – I can feel that working on this one is going to be all consuming, that’s it’s going to take everything I have.

Untitled Roguelike
I worked on a game for last year’s 7DRL that I still think about a lot. I dunno when I’m going to find time for it. Maybe it’ll resurface at some point, as something else.

NewCity RPG
I moved to London at the end of last year, and spent my first month here making an RPG about it. It’s a game about a place, and mostly about getting across what that place is like – lots of distinct areas with their own personality, based on whatever alien impression a brief visit with them left me with. There’s a shoreditch level, an islington level, a few other places – and an underground system that links it all together.
I’m long enough here now that it doesn’t feel alien to me anymore, so I’m not sure where to take it. Maybe that’ll come to me, as I get to know the city a bit better.

Vector thing
Really, it’s just tech at this point, and an idea. I owe Stephen a fan game…
VVVVVV’s last hurrah
VVVVVV is always going to be really damn important to me. It’s my final fantasy, the game that changed everything for me.
I’ve had an incomplete iOS version of the game working for over a year now, but other projects have kept me from finishing it up. I’d really like to get that out soon, though. Over Christmas I spent a little time finishing up the port, and I’m happy to say that the really hard stuff is done, now. I just need a week or two to sort out the details.
In addition, Nicalis have been porting the 3DS version of the game to PS Vita, and it feels wonderful on it.
So here’s an announcement of sorts, then.
This year, I’m going to release VVVVVV on PS Vita, on iPad, on iPhone, on Android, on Ouya. And, if I can manage it, all at the same time. This will very likely be the last thing I ever do with VVVVVV, and I wanna go out with a bang!
Super happy to hear what you’re up to! Can’t wait for these titles.
Good luck with your projects! I hope Halting Problem is about computer science:)
VVVVVV mobile, yeah!
I’m really looking forward the halting problem 🙂 keep on it!
I’m looking forward to playing it on the Vita. Thanks!
I gotta buy VVVVVV for the 3rd time once it comes out on Andriod. Thank you for making such a magnificent game.
VVVVVV is awesome and definitely should be on every device! Although I do worry about getting the “Doing Things The Hard Way” trinket using touch controls haha!
Halting Problem looks really cool as well. Keep up the great work!
Please add Steam Achievements for VVVVVV, it would be really cool.
i really hope you can port your games to windows phone 8 u.u
Woah, that Rougelike’s changed a bit 😛 Halting Problem’s already my most anticipated game of 2014, I can’t wait to see what happens with it!
It’s very interesting to hear what you’re up to! Also, is there any chance of getting your games ported to windows phone 8? We’re starved for your excellent games!
Beautiful! <3
VVVVVV is damn important to me too, it was my First Fantasy! 🙂
Please, please, please bring VVVVVV to Windows Phone 8! (and 7 if possible) 😀
And of course if you could somehow get it published as an Xbox game that would be even more amazing, but of course even an independent release would be beautiful 😉
Will VVVVVV on Android Have support for NVIDIA SHIELD, Moga, and other external controllers?
i very much like your work, terry. naya’s quest was a surprise, and i loved it, though it was much too short. you have a knack for turning a thing on its head; your design approach is consistently unique. no mere gimmicks.
both the new city rpg and the dark souls-like definitely have my interest, but i must admit that, so far, i prefer your art to crom’s. in the image above, everything is grey and brown and just … not what i was expecting when you announced your partnership. to me, it falls flat when compared to your usual spot-on colour selections. that said, i definitely support your move to collaborate, and i hope that all my anxiety is soon shown to be uncalled for!
I still hope that you secretly have been working for v2.2 of VVVVVV, but I look forward to Halting Quest 😀
Looking forward to try out Halting Problem some day!
As for VVVVVV, will it support gamepads/keyboards? Hopefully I can get this thing running via apkenv on my N900, and keyboard suport would be neat in this regard.
(repeating Andre above).. and how about an update to Steam’s version? 😀 We’d love to see achievements for example.
You think you could port it to Xbox 360?
More or less exhausted my ability to keep playing VVVVVV a while ago, but I would totally buy it again on iPhone if it was released. It would be especially awesome if I could play third party levels on it, too.
rouglike and vector look wicked cool
cant wait to see how they turn out
I’d love to see your games on windows phone. I know the windows phone API and I think it won’t be that hard
I can’t wait to get my hands on Halting Problem. Super Hexagon is still one of my favourite games of all time, and I’m pretty sure Halting Problem will equal or surpass it.
Oh shit, android? Awesome! And Iccan’t wait to find bugs in it :D.
Will it support gamepads on android?
If so, will it support the nvidia shield?
I am a big fan of your games, and I am Windows Phone user, so I guess you know my question by now.
Is there any reason why you dont develop games for WP? I mean you have released Super Hexagon to iOS, Android and even BlackBerry, and u are now porting VVVVVV to every platform besides WP. Is it just a question about user base at the WP or is there any technical reason for that?
Thanks and keep up with your brilliant ideas!
Are you sure you won’t make a VVVVVV sequel? Really hoped you would 🙁
Mr. Cavanagh, I absolutely love all your work, I simply want, in the first place, thank you for sharing your art, and, more than that, beg you for more! hahaha… I need more VVVVVV in my life! xD
I LIKE THAT IDEA FOR VVVVV ON PS VITA(i dont have a ps vita)