Announcement time!
Finally! VVVVVV is coming to iOS, Android and OUYA this Thursday, the 12th of June! A Vita version will follow later, at some point in the future!
I’ve also been working on something secret that I’m very excited about, which will also be coming out this Thursday. Ahhh! Ahhhhhhhhhhh!
Oh yes
I’ve been waiting for VVVVVV to come to iOS for ages! What iOS do I have to be updated to run it?
how much will VVVVVV be??? the same as the PC version?
Whatever it is I’m excited for Thursday!
Haha, for me this is way more exciting than whatever happens at E3! I’m really not into those triple A games and ‘stunning graphics’ that break news all the time. xD
Well good luck on Thursday! Can’t wait!
I’m just gonna cry if it requires iOS 7 or later…
Dammit, I promised myself I wouldn’t get hyped for anything this E3! 😀
Is “something” Halting Problem? If so, I will but it, no questions asked.
Was “the secret” the Super Gravitron standalone game or something else? 😛
Something else 😉
Got my copy on Android as well as Steam. Android version plays great with good controls!