Thank you very much for the all the naming suggestions for my library! In the end, I went with Haxegon, which was suggested by a number of people (including Tom and nuuup). Cheers!
Zeedonk isn’t that project. Zeedonk is something else. Coming soon!
Thank you very much for the all the naming suggestions for my library! In the end, I went with Haxegon, which was suggested by a number of people (including Tom and nuuup). Cheers!
Zeedonk isn’t that project. Zeedonk is something else. Coming soon!
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and you never make any other game , or are you continuing the pico 8 fps , or make a game?
Hey Terry played that game of your’s for the first time (grab them by the eyes) https://terrycavanaghgames.com/grabthembytheeyes/
And got a draw UEAUEUEAUAEUAUEU. And I mean, that was the first time I played, getting used to stuff etc xD
Hey Terry may I ask if I can make a phone version and maybe board version of grab them by the eyes?
Just asking now so I can do it on the future, I still didn’t finished learning c 😛
Hey Renato – sorry, but I’d rather you spent your time working on your own things. Good luck learning C!
What happened to the game “Halting Problem”?
It’s halted :/
Ok Terry 😀 I’ll forget about it them (also it was C , cause the forum glitched my comment)
But good luck on future projects! I loved all your work 😀
Hey Terry, when can we expect the retina super hexagon update?
It’s coming pretty soon! Apple’s approval process might slow things down, but still I’d expect it within a month. It’s currently being testflighted.
Gosh, this comment section has become a bit of a catch all I guess. I’m Terry Cavanagh, AMA!
Since this is now an AMA, how much of a role have you played in the soundtracks for your two biggest hits? They’re both very well regarded for superb audio, but is that due In part to your vision or the wonderful individuals you’ve worked with? I personally feel audio can make or break any game, and it’s rare to talk about the process!