Hey hey! Had some unexpected things come up recently (including being stuck in an airport for two days!), and it’s really slowed down work on the the upcoming version v0.8 of Dicey Dungeons.
So, I’ve decided to push the next version back by a week! v0.8 will now be coming out on the 8th of June, instead of the 1st.
This is the first time I’ve delayed a build of Dicey Dungeons, and I really didn’t wanna do it 🙁 But ultimately, I think it’s important not to rush the new class. I’m really looking forward to sharing this new character with everyone!
I’ll post a little blog post with details about the new character on Friday to make up for it! Thanks!
It is good not to rush
I discovered this game on reddit and I have been addicted to it. Awesome job so far, look forward to the future.
Do what you need to do! The game is so fun already despite its incompleteness. I deeply look forward to the updates.
Eagerly awaiting the upcoming version! Great game.
Is there a way to change the message on the game page to reflect the delay?
This game is so addicting, can’t wait to see what the finished product looks like!
If you haven’t already, please look into rebalancing Dire Wolf, especially for hard mode. Seems to be way more OP than any other enemy.
silencing the witch just hides the spellbook, but it can still be used.
The skeleton is OMG for a level 3.
Weaken and shock fail to overlap if they land on the same item; only one of them is applied.
Many spells, like Tremor, are missing from the Editor’s witch’s “Learn Spell”.
When using the crowbar and items such as the Staff and Midnight Charm, sometimes counts get added to those items even after they’ve been used that turn, so that they are automatically used without expending any dice at the beginning of the next turn. This exploit can be repeated for easy damage and free dice against bosses.
Skelly too OP pls nerf
The guild that’s supposed to give you an extra dice and stun an item every turn doesn’t give you any extra dice, it only stuns you.
Some spells have no benefit from an upgraded spell slot
The witch is much harder to play than other classes
The spell that’s supposed to freeze enemy dice only does damage, no freezing
Never mind, I see the freeze spell acts like curse now 🙁
Seems like witch is pretty underpowered in it’s current state. There’s barely any options to heal during a fight – having to rely on apples afterwards. Isn’t so bad for other classes, but witches rely on ‘building up’ which means that by the time they can deal any damage, they’re already at half health.
I suspended the PC when the game was running and when it resumed almost everything was covered by white rectangles. HTML5 version.
For some reason the game softlocks at the first battle of Floor 4 when playing as Thief. Please fix?
Hey Terry could you unlock the Super Hexagon framerate?