Hey! Just to let you all know, I’ve decided to push the next version of Dicey Dungeons back a week. This means that the next build, v0.11, will be coming out on the 27th of July instead of the 20th.

I obviously hate doing this – delaying a build is basically a last resort, and this is only the second time since March that I’ve done it. But this is a big, important update, and I don’t want to rush it. I appreciate your patience!

Also, gosh, I’ve been terrible about keeping this blog post up to date! Here’s a recent catch up of Dicey Dungeons related stuff:

  • I finally announced the team! The final version of Dicey Dungeons will feature art by Marlowe Dobbe, and music by Chipzel. The next update is all about finally getting their work into the game, which I’m very excited about.
  • Now that things are getting closer to completion, I’ve stopped releasing alphas for free. However! Alpha versions are still available on itch.io! Buying the game on itch gets you access to the newest alphas, as well as a copy of the finished game.
  • v0.10 is out! This one introduces the fifth character, the Robot!
  • Got a steam page too! Coming soon!
3 thoughts on “Dicey Dungeons v0.11 delayed a week”
  1. Hi, when you say buying the game on itch gets you a copy of the finished game, you mean still on itch ? Or If I buy it now I’ll get a steam key when it’s released ?

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