Hey! I’ve got some big news – Dicey Dungeons is available right now on Nintendo Switch!
I’m really excited about today’s launch! I think the game is a great fit for the Switch, and I’m really hoping it finds a new audience here that digs what we’re all about.
If you’ve enjoyed Dicey Dungeons, today is a really good day to spread the word and tell people about it! We’re a tiny team of independent creators, publishing a console game on our own, and to be honest, we really need all the help we can get <3
Indeed, the Switch is the perfect platform for DD. Congrats Terry!
Hey not sure best place to post this but on the switch in the options if you lower the combat animation speed you can’t change it forward again. Looking forward to playing and getting into. Have a great Holiday.
@Kaveman: Sorry about that! We’ve submitted a patch to Nintendo already but it’s not live yet. In the meantime, there’s a workaround here: https://diceydungeons.com/switchanimationspeedworkaround.html
I’ll be trying it out when I get my switch back! Glad to see you’re alive! I loved Don’t Look Back from all the way back then. Thank you for having it as a download!
Hello Terry, great news ! Thanks for this awesome game ! Are you working on a mobile port ?