Super Hexagon, 10 years on

Posted in super hexagon

So, hey! Today is the 10th anniversary of Super Hexagon’s original release. I know, I can barely believe it either. I don’t have any big plans today, sorry – but I wanted to mark the occasion here. <3

I still don’t really know how to think about Super Hexagon, sometimes. It was a game that just sort of came along, while I was working on something else, a game I very much made for myself, tuned to my own reflexes. I didn’t expect any kind of reaction to it, let alone the one it got. I would never have imagined that anyone would still be playing it 10 years on. I’m unbelievably proud of this thing.

I released VVVVVV’s source code on its 10 year anniversary a few years ago, a lot of people have been asking me if I’d do the same for Super Hexagon, and… maybe? I do like the idea! But not today. There’s no rush. Super Hexagon is actually still being worked on, with updates coming to keep it running well on modern hardware – so making the source available is a bit messy right now. Maybe in the future!

Anyway. Please enjoy these weird early development screenshots from the game, which I enjoyed rediscovering!


See you all next time

Welcome back! Reunion’s been out in the world for many many weeks now, so I thought it was a good time to check in! Thank you so much to everyone who played it, everyone who streamed it, everyone who watched it being played – I couldn’t be happier with how it’s gone down.

(The start of Retromation’s great series about the DLC)

With the DLC out in the world, I found I had a lot of things I wanted to say about the various episodes, while it was still all fresh in my mind – so I wrote some twitter threads! One for each character. I’ll link them here for future posterity:

(edit Nov 2022: I’ve left twitter! I liked these threads and didn’t want to lose them, so I imported them as pages on my blog instead. Maybe that’s where I should have written them in the first place!)

I enjoy doing this sort of thing, but, uh, maybe twitter is not a good place for it? I can’t help but feel like I’m annoying people, like I’m interrupting other people’s conversations to talk about myself, or something like that. Maybe I just need to start blogging more instead, like I keep saying I’m going to!

What’s Next

So with the mobile ports and Reunion out, I’m slowly starting to think about what’s next. I’ve got a couple of small Dicey related things in the pipeline, which I’ll have news about soon – and I think it goes without saying that I’ll continue to keep Dicey Dungeons running smoothly everywhere it’s available (the 2.1 patch just went up on mobile, in fact!) – but yeah, Reunion is the last content update we’re planning. It’s our goodbye to the game. I think it’s a good finale!

It’s time for me to start thinking about making some new stuff. I’m excited about working on some smaller things for a while! Maybe I’ll make a few little jam games, learn some new skills, slowly figure out what’s next. Hopefully I’ll have more to say about that here in the next few months!