Untitled Nyxgame

Not even trying to do this as a Ludum Dare game anymore. I don’t care, I’m finishing this one properly – I can’t bear to scrap yet another project right now! This year I feel like I’ve just been working on one big project after another, so taking a week out to work on something small like this is doing me a lot of good. Can’t believe I hadn’t posted a minigame since February!

I’m excited about how this one is shaping up. It’s ended up being very informed by another old abandoned project of mine called Myosotis, which is a game I never expected to revisit.

Shouldn’t take much longer.



TIGSource’s Game by it’s cover contest has come to an end! I’ve nothing finished myself for the deadline. I took a screenshot of how the game currently looks, though! I’m really quite excited about the direction it’s going in, so I’ll probably keep working on it for a while.

I’m just back from Berlin Indie Game JAM – this year I decided to take it a bit easier than last year, and mostly worked on developing my RPG engine for this week’s RPGDX challenge. I did finish one little jam game, though, a silly 3-hour collaboration with Chrisjan called Wamlevraw. For the theme Warvelmaw.

Current focus: my RPGDX game! Should have something to post about that before the end of the week.


July Resolution

Phew! I’ve posted a lot of little games lately! These past couple of weeks have been a lot of fun – it’s exactly what I needed after the last few months. I feel re-energised!

It’s been kinda depressing, really: in February and March, I worked on Big Hero, then around the time I moved to Cambridge I worked an exploration game that I appear not to have bothered posting about, then I spent all of May working on a Negative Capability game, and then spent a lot of June on another RPG. One project after another, not working out. Probably serves me right for trying to make two RPGs.

As a result I haven’t finished anything remotely ambitious in ages, and I want to change that. I want to start fresh this month. So today I did something rather dramatic! I took all of the folders in one particular directory on my computer, and moved them into another one. The first folder is called current games. The second is called abandoned games.

Basically, I’ve abandoned all my current projects. I won’t be finishing up any more of the minigames from TIGJam, and probably won’t be coming back to Big Hero or any of that other stuff anytime soon either. I’m moving on to something new!

My new game is something for TIGSource’s Game by its cover challenge, and I haven’t really much to say about it yet except that I’ve chosen that cover above for it. Right now it’s kind of a jumble, but I’ve been working on it for the last few days and I’m hoping to have a clearer idea of where it’s going by this weekend!