Ludum Dare 22: Day 2, 6:30pm

Ludum Dare is going well! Just ran a server test of my new game on twitter. It’s supposed to be a two player online multiplayer game, but there was a bug where people can keep joining a room and occupying the second cat, causing it to go spastic. Hmm.

I’m very into this idea now, but I suspect it might be a little ambitious for the remaining time. At least I’ve managed to do most of the really hard technical bits now – I might finish it up before Christmas.


Ludum Dare 22: End of day 1

I ended up spending most of today trying to get a network library working in Flashdevelop. Which didn’t really leave me with enough time to make the game I wanted to make this weekend, so I decided to spend the rest of the evening just trying to make the Player IO networking stuff work well with my framework. Look, there’s a lobby system now!

Now that I have this stuff working so nicely, I’ll have a think about what else I might be able to use it for tomorrow instead.


Untitled Nyxgame

Not even trying to do this as a Ludum Dare game anymore. I don’t care, I’m finishing this one properly – I can’t bear to scrap yet another project right now! This year I feel like I’ve just been working on one big project after another, so taking a week out to work on something small like this is doing me a lot of good. Can’t believe I hadn’t posted a minigame since February!

I’m excited about how this one is shaping up. It’s ended up being very informed by another old abandoned project of mine called Myosotis, which is a game I never expected to revisit.

Shouldn’t take much longer.


LD21: Update 1 (1:45pm)

I’m in CB2 this weekend for Ludum Dare 21! The theme’s Escape, which wasn’t what I was expecting or hoping for, but I like it. Haven’t figured out exactly how I’m going to approach my idea that way yet, though.

Anyway, I figured for this one I’d keep track of my progress on my own blog! The screenshot above is what I’ve got so far – I’ve invented a console, the NYX, and I’m going to make a game that runs on it.