Ports ports ports

Time for a very imPORTant update! Ho ho ho

VVVVVV’s mobile ports are definitely taking a lot longer than anticipated, but things are finally coming to an end. A few days ago, after weeks of testing and fixing bugs and optimising, I finally submitted VVVVVV to the app store! It’ll be in a review for a while, and going live hopefully not too long after that…

So what’s the next step? Well, there’s also the android version (that’s going pretty well too), and the steam update. And one more thing…


The OUYA version!

I like the OUYA as a thing quite a lot – last year I even ported 10 of my freeware games to it for fun! And it’s really cool to be able to play VVVVVV on it too – this’ll be the first time you can actually sit down with a controller and play VVVVVV on a telly, which is kind of a big deal. It should be out at the same time as the other ports – not quite sure when that is yet, but I’ll announce it as soon as I know 🙂

That’s not all, though.


Surprise! I’m also bringing Super Hexagon to OUYA! And real soon, too. Like, next Tuesday. Ahhhhhhh


Free to


I was a bit anti-Ouya in the run up its release – what I saw as its stance of championing “Free to Play” made me uncomfortable. Then, at some point before its release, they stopped using the term “Free to Play” and started using the term “Free to Try” – a concept I’m entirely cool with. That was enough to turn me from anti-Ouya to Ouya-neutral – it took getting my hands on one for 10 minutes to make me pro-Ouya. This thing is awesome.

For fun, I ported a bunch of my old flash games to it! Here’s the complete list:

Memrrtiks, Suashem
Don’t Look Back
Oiche Mhaith
American Dream
Hero’s Adventure
Bullet Time

I’m pretty sure I’ll be porting VVVVVV and Super Hexagon to it too, when I have time to get around to them. Probably soon! Ish!

(p.s. If you’re a flash developer looking to port stuff of your own, you might find this joypad class I made useful (with modifications by Hulk Handsome). It requires the AIR 3.8 beta, and the SWC from this adobe tutorial.)