Exhibitions and Conventions

* Events with an asterisk are events which I’ve attended (or will be attending).
I try to keep this page more or less up to date for my own vanity. If you know of somewhere that’s shown my work that I’ve missed or forgotten, please email me and let me know!
BALANCING ACTS / SPIELEPARCOURS(29th Nov-1st Dec 2019, Essen, Germany)
*Indiecade 2019(October 10th-12th, 2019, LA, USA)
Indiecade E3 Showcase 2019(June 11th-13th, 2019, LA, USA)
*EGX Rezzed 2019(April 4th-6th, 2019, London, UK)
*Pax East(March 28th-31st, 2019, Boston, Massachusetts, USA)
*2019 Independent Games Festival(March 20th-22nd, 2019, San Francisco, USA)
*Pax South (Pax Rising)(Jan 18th-20th, 2019, San Antonio, Texas, USA)
*Day of the Devs(November 11th, 2018, San Francisco, USA)
Portland Retro Gaming Expo (with PIGSquad showcase)(October 19th, 2018, Portland, USA)
XOXO Arcade 2018 (with PIGSquad showcase)(September 7-8, 2018, Portland, USA)
Cinema in Sneakers Film Festival(December 2020, Poland)
dizzy SPELL(1st-2nd November, 2019, Denver, USA)
Cinekid Festival 2018(20-26 October, 2018, Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
I Was Raised on the Internet (for the pop up event)(Jun 23-Oct 14, 2018, Chicago, USA)
*Bar SK WIP October(4th October, 2017, Bar SK, Collingwood, Melbourne, Australia)
*Now Play This 2017(7-9 April, 2017, Somerset House, London, UK)
*EGX Rezzed, Leftfield Collection(30 March – 1 April 2017, Tobacco Dock, London, UK)
Cinema in Sneakers Film Festival(December 2020, Poland)
Indie Games Night(29th March 2014, Adelaide, Australia)
Ceci n’est pas un jeu(14th April 2017, Poitiers, France)
ZKM Gameplay(April 2016 – December 2017, Karlsruhe, Germany)
ExtraSchicht(20th June 2015, Dortmund, Germany)
Bit Bash(6th September 2014, Chicago, USA)
Mulhouse Exhibition Fair(23rd May-1st June 2014, Mulhouse, France)
Via Festival(5th October 2013, Pittsburgh, USA)
*Wild Rumpus 4(11th May 2013, MS STUBNITZ, Canary Wharf, London, UK)
*All other parties are still trite and dull(27th March 2013, Public Works, San Francisco, USA)
*2013 Independent Games Festival(25th – 29th March 2013, San Francisco, USA)
*Rumpus Royale(25th March 2013, San Francisco, USA)
NYPLarcade 2012 Showcase(17th December 2012, New York, USA)
*Gamecity 2012(20th-27th October 2012, Nottingham, UK)
IndieCade Night Party 2012(4th-7th October 2012, Los Angeles, USA)
*Wild Rumpus 3(27th September 2012, Cargo, 83 Rivington Street, London, UK)
*Fantastic Arcade 2012(20th-23rd September 2012, The Highball, Austin, Texas, USA)
XOXO(13th-16rd September 2012, Portland, Oregon, USA)
Different Perspectives(18th-21st May, 24th-28th May 2023, Antwerp, Belgium)
Heart Projector Arcade(2nd November 2016, Vancouver, Canada)
Gamercamp No Quarter Arcade(3rd November 2012, Toronto, Canada)
Darklight Festival(23rd-26th August 2012, Dublin, Ireland)
Arthouse Gaming(16th April 2012, Roberta A. Fiskum Gallery, Wisconsin)
Game Change: Videogames as Art Medium and Inspiration(27th February 2012, Savannah, Georgia)
*2012 Independent Games Festival(7th-9th March 2012, San Francisco, USA)
MIXCADE(5th February 2012, Montreal, Canada)
GameCitySilentNights(8th December 2011, Nottingham, UK)
* At a Distance Launch(7th December 2011, Vauxhall, London, UK)
LUNARCADE Shanghai(2nd-4th December 2011, Shanghai Theatre Academy, Shanghai, China)
* Minecon(18th-19th November 2011, Las Vegas, USA)
* IndieCade 2011(6th-9th October 2011, Los Angeles)
* Indie Games Arcade, Eurogamer Expo 2011(22nd-25th September 2011, Earl’s Court, London, UK)
SPIELSALON Kassel 2011(13th-17st July 2011, Kassel, Germany)
* NYU No Quarter 2011(12th-31st May 2011, NYU Game Center, New York, USA)
2014 Society for Utopian Studies Conference(23-26 October 2014, Montréal, Canada)
VVVVVV (2010)
ExtraSchicht(20th June 2015, Dortmund, Germany)
* Minecon(18th-19th November 2011, Las Vegas, USA)
Craft and Punishment(15th February 2011, San Hose, California, USA)
Learn to Play Too(4th January to 24th February 2011,De Anze College Euphrat Museum of Art, Cupertino, California, USA)
Learn to Play(4th October to 9th November 2010, De Anze College Euphrat Museum of Art, Cupertino, California, USA)
BabyCastles(16th-29th December, 2010, Babycastles, New York, USA)
* IndieCade 2010(9th-10th October 2010, Los Angeles, USA)
* Indie Games Arcade, Eurogamer Expo 2009 (27th-28th Oct, 30th-31st Oct 2009, Leeds and London, UK)
JUDITH (2009)
Learn to Play Too(4th January to 24th February 2011,De Anze College Euphrat Museum of Art, Cupertino, California, USA)
Learn to Play(4th October to 9th November 2010, De Anze College Euphrat Museum of Art, Cupertino, California, USA)
The Start Show(13th September 2010, Great Hall OCAD University, Toronto, Canada)
Playful & Playable(24th June to 15th Sept, Sala Amarica, Vitoria Gasteiz, Spain)
The Start Show(13th September 2010, Great Hall OCAD University, Toronto, Canada)
N Design ImersÁ£o 2010(11th July to 18th July 2010, Rua Professor Pedro Viriato Parigot de Souza, Curitiba, Brazil)