Started by mrytp, January 02, 2017, 05:58:17 PM

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  • Crew Members: 5
  • Trinkets: 1
  • Rooms: 25
  • Playtime: 5-10 mins

Play as Aqua :viridian: and travel through various rooms- all beginning with the letter 'A' to rescue Amber :vitellary:, Amaranth :vermillion:, Azure :victoria:, Aquamarine :verdigris: and Amethyst :violet:.


moth ✨

Ah, an amazing and awesome, advanced and - okay I cant keep this up

this level is pretty nice and the whole "A" thing is very creative  :)


Thanks. I'm going to try and make a small level like this for every letter of the alphabet- BBBBBB should be released tomorrow and I'm in the middle of making CCCCCC now.


How long it has been since I did a full-through review while playing? Time to get back to my roots:
(Before start): LOL, this is the THIRD level with the same name I have...
(first three rooms): Easy, got one death trying to see what was in the hole of the second room. I will count where I died as the third room.
3 deaths o "Abandoned" that's 4.
8 deaths trying to get the damn trinket.
2 more deaths until i get to the Warp area.
I have to **** ****** because I skip the green crewmate by accident. Another 3 more on miscellaneous rooms.
12 deaths on "Alcove". I swear, that thing is just luck-based.
and 6 more on the last green room.

Didn't see any glitch, mostly due to the level being so short and simple. But that trinket was unreasonably tricky compared to the rest of the level.


Quote from: SJMistery on January 02, 2017, 06:46:54 PM
How long it has been since I did a full-through review while playing? Time to get back to my roots:
(Before start): LOL, this is the THIRD level with the same name I have...
(first three rooms): Easy, got one death trying to see what was in the hole of the second room. I will count where I died as the third room.
3 deaths o "Abandoned" that's 4.
8 deaths trying to get the damn trinket.
2 more deaths until i get to the Warp area.
I have to **** ****** because I skip the green crewmate by accident. Another 3 more on miscellaneous rooms.
12 deaths on "Alcove". I swear, that thing is just luck-based.
and 6 more on the last green room.

Didn't see any glitch, mostly due to the level being so short and simple. But that trinket was unreasonably tricky compared to the rest of the level.
Thanks for the review, sorry about stealing your map name. I know the room with the trinket was really tricky, but it's a trinket so I wanted it to be a challenge. Did you enjoy the map?


They are not mine, they are from:
Savaka (joke level)
Michael (seems like a semi-story level, hard to say)

The map was cool I guess, maybe too easy for me... but I better shut up, last time I wanted a challenging one, I got one I cannot pass from even the third room...


Hey dont steal my old spam.

Ally 🌠

this is called a useless bump but it's it really a bump it's just unrelated


Can someone please explain whats going on? :verdigris:


5tr4 used to spam the letter "A" a whole bunch.