Rescrew Mission [Outdated]

Started by Box Shards, June 24, 2018, 09:46:30 PM

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Box Shards

Yes yes, Rescrew, not Rescue, well should give a backstory

Story: Well you and the crew got captured, now you will save you're crew and take back you're ship (no you don't take it back, you just get you're crew)

Enjoy this level i made!  :viridian:

Oh my god was this bad, I'm working on a remastered version which is pretty similar, but has a better ending as of right now so, be ready for better text boxes (I'm really sorry about how bad that was)


Pretty good level, just about the right difficulty, even if perhaps a bit short.


There is a lot of misspelled words... like "captain" instead of "captin", "Finish" instead of "Finnish" and stuff...
I don't know whether it is intentional or not
But English isn't my native language so who am i to judge...

Desite this i think it is a moderate level and pretty cool

ps why use a 15*15 map when you only use 3*4 of it


Good level. So, I completed a level.


Info Teddy

Quote from: Lil demon on June 26, 2018, 04:06:59 AMThere is a lot of misspelled words... like "captain" instead of "captin", "Finish" instead of "Finnish" and stuff...
it's the other way around, unless you're placing emphasis on what the properly spelled words should be. e.g. "the correct spellings are: 'captain' instead of 'captin', 'finish' instead of 'finnish'" instead of "the misspellings are: 'captin' instead of 'captain', 'finnish' instead of 'finish'"


What is your native language?



Quote from: Info Teddy on July 21, 2018, 02:25:39 PM
Quote from: Lil demon on June 26, 2018, 04:06:59 AMThere is a lot of misspelled words... like "captain" instead of "captin", "Finish" instead of "Finnish" and stuff...
it's the other way around, unless you're placing emphasis on what the properly spelled words should be. e.g. "the correct spellings are: 'captain' instead of 'captin', 'finish' instead of 'finnish'" instead of "the misspellings are: 'captin' instead of 'captain', 'finnish' instead of 'finish'"
Oh fuck.
I hate second languages.


Unique Mispelled word Count: 9
Mispelled word Count: 21
All Unique Mispelled words:
you're (in places where "you're" doesn't fit, "your" is much better)
captin (alot in the beginning)
where ("were" not where)
excape (is this intentional?)
capin (now its even worse)
suck (you will be suck. It's "stuck"!)
continueing (at last warning, "continuing".)
finnish (idk what to even say)
supost ( ??? )

Non-Capitalized I's (refering to himself or anyone else) count: 10
Extra stuff that didn't quite make it into the category
excape! (dont mind the "excape" mind the "!". He's talking about how to escape so it should be "?!" or "?" also works.)
Capitalize the I in ill and add an apostrophe at I(here)ll to make it I'll
Capitalize the I in okay i shouldn't have (something)
Capitalize the I (twice) in "i will save us" and "i did wrong..."
Again, capitalize the I in "i have a plan"
okay i will no longer pinpoint exactly where the capitalized I's now.
Capitalize the I during the conversation when you reached the first crew
Capitalize the I again during the same conversation
capitalize the E in the everyone (...) section and add an excalmation mark (!) at the end.
Capitalize the I in im and add an apostrophe to make I'm. Also add a dot at the end (.).
Add an apostrophe at "lets". (twice)
Capitalize the I and add an apostrophe at "im"
Capitalize the I and add a dot (.) at the end of the response after viridian said "i know..."
Add an apostrophe at "Im"
Capitalize the I at the near-end

Grammar mistake count: 3
your final chance to head my warning?  ???
continuing without all crew?
it should be like this: your final chance to listen to my warning of continuing without all crewmates (yes it is merged with the other part of the dialog)
if you dont head? ???
fix: if you dont listen then you will have to re-start.

BTW, a 2-tile wide hole is the minimum viridian can fit into, so it will be pretty hard to enter that last hole without dying 5+ times
Woo, first (long) post in a while!