Hello everyone.
As most of you know, I've stopped playing the game. But during those 5 years, I've been storing a ton of levels.
So much so that I recently considered making an archive of all the level files I've gathered since 2018. You see, ever since I came back to VVVVVV that year, I took it upon myself to play (and thus download) as many different levels as I could.
I scrapped the entire forums for levels – a feat only I have done.
These levels can be anything. From full 20x20 levels, to barely finished projects / very much blank 5x5.
And now, I'm ready to release it.
To compare how large this archive is, my five "fun" level packs only make for 300 levels combined. This one has over 700. And it doesn't include any of the levels of these packs.
But before that, here's a long list of much needed clarifications.
As you will soon see, this archive is far from perfect... and I'm not planning on refining it.
I really don't want to linger on it for too long, my goal is to publish the archive and its levels and that's it. Sorry in advance if this archive disappoints you. In reality, this is less about you and more about me really wanting to just cut my physical binds to VVVVVV.
Anyways here we go :
- This archive doesn't include levels with custom files. I'm assuming those are being saved and maintained with a degree of attention far more important than with individual levels files. So, I've decided to leave them to their owners to handle, or subsidiary people.
- For similar reasons, the archive doesn't include (or want to) contest levels. Downloads for them should be very well maintained by the contest organizers.
- It doesn't include anything that was uploaded past the 2023 spring contest, results of which aired in july 2023. This is about when I mostly stopped playing VVVVVV and keeping up with new releases.
- It won't include every versions of every level. This isn't a complete thorough archive of everything. Throughout the years, I opted for having the most updated version of each level. This said, there are some notable exceptions : for the levels who have different versions that are significantly different, I allow them storage. This is rare though, and I can't think of examples to share.
- All level files are meant to be the originals, untouched. I don't know how accurate this is but I'm expecting this to be 95% true.
This said, for the sake of crediting, I *did* take the decision of writing down the maker information within the description section of every level (if it wasn't made by the maker already).
I don't know how accurate this is either. I wanna say 90%. Thing is, I won't come back to correct anything. I don't have the time for that.
Well, to all of this, there are *two huge* exceptions... both the names of the level files were changed to be made clearer and to have upper casing. As sometimes, they would have unintelligible names, completely unrelated to the in-game level title. I obviously don't like it, as it doesn't help with traceability, but that's how my past self maintained them, and now you have to endure it.
And then, you shall notice adjective attached to the file names, in parenthesis. Sometimes they're informative... and sometimes they're rude. They may look plain improper in today's eye, but they are simply a relic of the past.
I thought about removing them, but considering that I'm not gonna correct the file names of the levels, this wouldn't really do anything... so, sorry for anyone that my past self offended. Today is quite different.
- This archive will not include old levels that were once thought to be lost to time, but then suddenly found back. It doesn't have the vocation to expand, at least by myself.
- Similarly, it won't include people's personal levels that they never shared to anyone up to that point. I'll rely on you for that.
- Oh, and you may be wondering about this if you are a severe VVVVVV connoisseur. But I had to remove a couple levels that could be considered extremely controversial and problematic.
If it were just me, I would have let them in, as nothing was illegal, and we would know better than to judge our past selves. But at the request of others, I did remove them. As long as the archive can be a thing, so be it.
You can ask for a level to be removed or an author name to be changed.
Likewise, please reach out to me if something is wrong. I still want to make sure the archive is accessible.
Download link : https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/d5c2u9crlg8x0ivffa3kd/Balneor-s-single-file-level-Archive.zip?rlkey=3xolptf68s9e2bxdxkcsj1tcv&st=awscij2r&dl=0
Level makers, github maintainers, forum hosters, discord owners... and Terry... thank you for everything.
As most of you know, I've stopped playing the game. But during those 5 years, I've been storing a ton of levels.
So much so that I recently considered making an archive of all the level files I've gathered since 2018. You see, ever since I came back to VVVVVV that year, I took it upon myself to play (and thus download) as many different levels as I could.
I scrapped the entire forums for levels – a feat only I have done.
These levels can be anything. From full 20x20 levels, to barely finished projects / very much blank 5x5.
And now, I'm ready to release it.
To compare how large this archive is, my five "fun" level packs only make for 300 levels combined. This one has over 700. And it doesn't include any of the levels of these packs.
But before that, here's a long list of much needed clarifications.
As you will soon see, this archive is far from perfect... and I'm not planning on refining it.
I really don't want to linger on it for too long, my goal is to publish the archive and its levels and that's it. Sorry in advance if this archive disappoints you. In reality, this is less about you and more about me really wanting to just cut my physical binds to VVVVVV.
Anyways here we go :
- This archive doesn't include levels with custom files. I'm assuming those are being saved and maintained with a degree of attention far more important than with individual levels files. So, I've decided to leave them to their owners to handle, or subsidiary people.
- For similar reasons, the archive doesn't include (or want to) contest levels. Downloads for them should be very well maintained by the contest organizers.
- It doesn't include anything that was uploaded past the 2023 spring contest, results of which aired in july 2023. This is about when I mostly stopped playing VVVVVV and keeping up with new releases.
- It won't include every versions of every level. This isn't a complete thorough archive of everything. Throughout the years, I opted for having the most updated version of each level. This said, there are some notable exceptions : for the levels who have different versions that are significantly different, I allow them storage. This is rare though, and I can't think of examples to share.
- All level files are meant to be the originals, untouched. I don't know how accurate this is but I'm expecting this to be 95% true.
This said, for the sake of crediting, I *did* take the decision of writing down the maker information within the description section of every level (if it wasn't made by the maker already).
I don't know how accurate this is either. I wanna say 90%. Thing is, I won't come back to correct anything. I don't have the time for that.
Well, to all of this, there are *two huge* exceptions... both the names of the level files were changed to be made clearer and to have upper casing. As sometimes, they would have unintelligible names, completely unrelated to the in-game level title. I obviously don't like it, as it doesn't help with traceability, but that's how my past self maintained them, and now you have to endure it.
And then, you shall notice adjective attached to the file names, in parenthesis. Sometimes they're informative... and sometimes they're rude. They may look plain improper in today's eye, but they are simply a relic of the past.
I thought about removing them, but considering that I'm not gonna correct the file names of the levels, this wouldn't really do anything... so, sorry for anyone that my past self offended. Today is quite different.
- This archive will not include old levels that were once thought to be lost to time, but then suddenly found back. It doesn't have the vocation to expand, at least by myself.
- Similarly, it won't include people's personal levels that they never shared to anyone up to that point. I'll rely on you for that.
- Oh, and you may be wondering about this if you are a severe VVVVVV connoisseur. But I had to remove a couple levels that could be considered extremely controversial and problematic.
If it were just me, I would have let them in, as nothing was illegal, and we would know better than to judge our past selves. But at the request of others, I did remove them. As long as the archive can be a thing, so be it.
You can ask for a level to be removed or an author name to be changed.
Likewise, please reach out to me if something is wrong. I still want to make sure the archive is accessible.
Download link : https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/d5c2u9crlg8x0ivffa3kd/Balneor-s-single-file-level-Archive.zip?rlkey=3xolptf68s9e2bxdxkcsj1tcv&st=awscij2r&dl=0
Level makers, github maintainers, forum hosters, discord owners... and Terry... thank you for everything.