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Messages - Wequer

VVVVVV Levels / Re: The Closed World...? for 2021-2022
November 09, 2022, 12:08:08 PM
 You misunderstood it. 
wait, why did i wrte this

 TCW in general is free-associative stuff and window of self-burning out. Whatever of whenever. IF work for more general public (with no other goals), i will act accordingly. Seems like i can be a little of madness, while writing this (but to have this written). No esteem or perfuct, just some personal problems with consistency of mind (speech with self) and lack of good performance, that was involved while making in general. 

 Community have their way of living. While not having a goal for interacting and/or not getting anything interesting, don`t care. Please be more careful reading the text and sorry for making you worry?
VVVVVV Levels / The Closed World...? for 2021-2022
November 08, 2022, 08:50:14 PM
it`s not really a level, but still holds level, so whatever. tradish. also it`s not for playing - just observing. The reason it`s named as TCW below and elsewhere

State of Explonation

"My inability to make finished products always frightened me. It`s like whatever i`m doing, i will never be in peace with anything made, thought, or intended. In capacity i could make truly interesting calories of brain, but lack of any consistency in mind and general apathy for order desintegrates any power i have over life. But at least these attempts remindered of my ideas. May it be chaotic, never finished of my ways of living, it will produce interesting to percieve."

so here`s thing about my usual side of getting self articulate for about an year (since 26 August and 26? August finished) in less map and more custom damnity, where i will explain, why you should have fixing, or there`s a way pitching all once again into thinking and making harsh trash.

i gonna upload/delete it, because it`s done. i worked as much of as i wished, any continuation regress the dish. I had fun. I did not learn, how to make level. I honestly lack words to comment evenly with pace, cuz i can say?yes so then this -> my nerves crumbles to write and upload thing, that is saved from fire of "you need to be deleted", it did not learn ways of relax you hell i can at least make job before licking all black stupid internet and iron in veins please?

okay here`s contentency:

-map itself (TCW.vvvvvv or so? with include our sheet world stuff guess gonna do)

-texture pack (including clusterfucked current graphics pack for "functionable" map, simple retextured VVVVVV pack and sheet for unreason)

-sound (record of my voice and surroundings with transformed look of master Audacity, cuz it`s free and enough)

-music (music.vvvvvv by FL Studio 20 and it`s library, as it was in my harddrive for awhile in depth)

i did not show everywherity of pit, cuz` it`s not all interesting. probably of make it articulate and working!, then make me care and healthy?

maybe i shoudn`t ruin potential master, another reference for dancer - had done it before, it`s usewhy.

But honestly? i worked so much on such projects of unfocused (for almost a decade), that i probably refered to them as ideas and not more, as health is gold of light. Especially since -Contain- gave me some motivation to make complete piece of adventure. I wonder, if that`s unethical experiment on myself for making some reject reaction of whatever i have been.

I will (and did) probably reuse(d) (or not, idk) some ideas from TCW 0.4 (Enemy and player temporal intangiblies, stop-presses, slowing time, and some others), as they have potential to be much more, and i can imagine to make it work. A lot of them wasn`t even tested to be used probably as response to be obsessed with my the hell i do now. Maybe some others will have ideas towards all of those thing in map and textures and sounds and music and else. (to note one moment. I had no idea about tricks with one-ways until working on judged level)

Do i have to be guilty for making unfinished pack and then ripping off bits for my needs? I honestly don`t want to ache with it, i really want properly finished "contest" map, and i have already been terrifyingly confused with situation i am with this work. I don`t have anyone to tell about this and dunno if that`s taking too far.

seriously i never felt uneasy for long to make it being released, like any other action so much less painful. i seriously need to work with myself as many things are just wrong, but i can do this right now so anyway

Joy with it.
  not Following, just Interconnecting outer dots.

This in young itself is not impressive. usually any kind of underdeveloped lack resource and balance for operation around world and making stuff. Rather frustration, than tireness. pretty nothing for holding to last, and annoyance in life as enviroment.

blast playing them, despite being probably the map with careless conscious effort for making any meaningful gameplay... uhu, make it worth of your day - have to say

One thing that`s clear to me, that trying to taste any amount of juice to salty lemon ice makes it oblivious to finding out and keeping from grave some underdeveloped trash-dance, leaving comment under any kind of interest burgling say of mind, so taking this as... duty? maybe    also this thing is obscure as it is without or with of any kind of as in unlimit for unlimited account

it`s cool to have this recall (like small), tried to comment+ for this  why for not
VVVVVV Levels / The Closed World...? 2019 for 2022
April 07, 2022, 12:47:36 PM
more of a personal imput and stuff reuploading. not interested in editor digging and it`s bizzare days in years, then nothing to do here. if it`s cringy for mod to deletus, reflect

State of Explonation

"TCW is map, that i tried to make for SUCH A LENGTH, i terrified, that with that soft life i gained to it. And it`s saying of child in his ways of not doing anything important for it`s whole life, fully realising it, being underdeveloped with sauce at uniqy, and questioning posibility of percieving self as person by any means (which is major characteristic forever). Any pile of sh0t is so happened under circumstances of things in it`s way, yet it`s still for art creating at going. I don`t know, where the hell i write this, so no refer and rely, not even my understandment, since mental blindness"

  TCW had 3 versions, which third one was released with it`s holes. Other versions were under files and forgotten memory as a burden, until under impression of my capacity i questioned it throught finding whether i can... which turned my playing Delirium. Third one was created by me enforcing idea of imperfection and generic nature of second (first?) one, so such as stupid at finishing it.
  Then it got wrong. Nearly half of year spent to make something, that was got to nowhere... as anything was just pointless, no joy for creating, else to understanding it`s inner, but having no outer to complete together, and most of all... disapointment at what i could making, but refuse to. So i just will throw this leftings i did left at this post?, then embarrass that text out right after.

  !@#$%^&*() the point of this post is just leading internet work it`s main function, and so any are not obligated to read or write this things out. there a thing of being in informational field your whole life, standing enviroment and construction of owned once design, along with so happened characteristics of mind-body to work through. any kind of existence lives standard programm reformation into interconnection of supporting live thing of plant billions year or so. Sometime it`s weird to happen. i try to express, existence of things, that everyone has gotten throught it`s so called construction, that was determined by childhood, interference from it`s whole life, yet one again there is me, who got so called emptiness, so literally turning being of precetion into things i ever capable of grasping. Hurts. this map was unpleasant thing to make, as anything reveal noone, anything to passion, life. any kind of done just so happened, with no connection to it, no rememerance of past, acting out just to be motion, living with matter at literal, kind of ok, yet annoying with every part of body, mind, regulations for atmost lack of difference between anything. any livings once dirt into high complexity, no way without being part of to make sth important, where everything is stupid, just not to be able to tolerate into degreee of complete disorintation, so mind and grasp into mess unimpressive, yet who can be more true to be alive!, as i relief lack of control, that i didn`t have, not even knew presence of, to finally make me continue to live, so cursing all and no to be it`s own once again, and hopefully make my way to continue this post again!@#$%^&*()

  Previous post stands true, and no unworthy for my road, as this is just post of humble and probably humiliation i felt under myself to turn this little, of several things i have ever done with clear mind, possibly only one i have ever made in practice in passion for prolonging period, to unenjoyable one. I have no possiblity to express self, as just preception of self and lacking needed elements to make it work. Speech of simple words into broken ways for enterpretuer man, lack of will into admit of dissapointment with age of how simple.

   That`s the last words i ever said, of how i carry this thing, as burling primitive mind, that doesn`t explain nothing to himself, as stand for outself, ever using self to erase it.
   you can download these abort`s results, if u wish/wonder
VVVVVV Levels / The Closed World...?
November 15, 2020, 08:00:11 PM
 29 March, 2019 year
i created a room, first try to make a level. I don`t know, why i did that btw, and abandon it for 6 months in general to 11 November, and try to expanded it to full map, as big as possible, 
with no idea why and for. I stop at 90% and it`s close to be fully playable, but the truth is i have no point to work with, it`s stupidly bad for my level of understandment in game things, so it`s actually 35% because of reworks and expansions, as always. It`s work of my full 1 year of effords, but some good ideas and decorations is not enough to beat my monstrous tiredness up. i may finish it in some far, dark future, just not now... now is time to show 100 individual systems the results of this experiment year... if they`re alive of course.
there`s no photos because it`s not finished level, and i filled with disappointment...

it`s so hollow there, that it`s like nobody cares, what happen here, but it`s no use, so anyway...
why the hell is it called "distractionware forums"? i noticed that thing, when i was writing useless homo-sapiens english cypher text.
So how doing your map?
March 17, 2019, 02:13:49 PM
i beat a third level. if somebody ask me HOW, just write about it. that can be useful for you.