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Messages - pubjoe

Super Hexagon / Super Hexagon is harder on an ipad
September 13, 2012, 07:25:20 PM
Super Hexagon is awesome, addictive and torturous.

I've noticed that I find it twice as hard on a "new" ipad than on the iphone 4.  I'm not sure if it runs faster but I think it might be that the phone's wider screen aspect ratio allows you to see more of the oncoming pathways.
VVVVVV / Re: Standalone Super Gravitron mini game?
September 13, 2012, 03:05:55 PM
Ooooops!  I think I'm going to blame the iphone autocorrect for those.  :-[

I mean that a phone is far from the best device to play games on but they're quickly available, so people do.
VVVVVV / Re: Standalone Super Gravitron mini game?
September 13, 2012, 02:07:09 PM
I wrote a short reply earlier as I was busy at work.  Thanks for correcting me on the name - oops - I've since edited my post.

It is quite different gameplay from the rest of the game, but I don't think of that as a problem.  It still demonstrates souledge's brilliant music and it still demonstrates the pure skill based gameplay, though in a much more intense way.  If it was bought as a standalone mini-game, then I can't see anyone being dissapointed that vvvvvv isn't one long gravitron.

My main motivation for posting is simply that it'd be nice if the gravitron challenge was available to more people.  Many people my age who appreciate quick bursts of oldschool skill-based games tend to not really buy proper video games anymore but do buy mobile games.  I'm not really bothered about ios games specifically, but at least it's available to many people and you know what photographers say about the best camera, it's simply the one you have at the time.
VVVVVV / Re: Standalone Super Gravitron mini game?
September 13, 2012, 10:45:20 AM
Gravitron! Of course it is.  :D
VVVVVV / Standalone Super Gravitron mini game?
September 13, 2012, 10:00:26 AM
Hi Terry and fellow Terry fans.

I've often thought it would be good if the super gravitron was available as a free vvvvvv sample.  I know it would be a bit of a spoiler for the full game but it would be fantastic to be able to say to people "check out this hardcore skill game - can you beat my score?".

Well I thought that, but now I think it would make an even better 69p mobile game like super hexagon.  It's well suited to touch screen as you only need left and right buttons for the megatron (just like hexagon's controls) and it would make an ideal game for a few minutes toilet fun.

Either way, I think it might just bring some new players to vvvvvv once they've tried the gravitron and heard the incredible accompanying music.  :viridian:
VVVVVV / Re: VVVVVV arcade
March 25, 2011, 11:33:32 AM
It's not bad, but not as nice as it is on my Son's old imac with the pod shaped apple speakers.

I have a PC connected to the arcade machine using a "JammASD", which contains a tiny mono audio amp, which is then played through two average speakers.  So unfortunately, it could be a lot better.

But I still love it due to the awesome music.  I guess the thing with chiptune music is you don't necessarily need a great speaker set to enjoy it.  Afterall, it's inspired by old low-fi sound tech in the first place.
VVVVVV / Re: VVVVVV arcade
March 20, 2011, 06:56:50 PM
Thanks for the comments.  I love crts for sprite based games.

You can get a pretty good scanline effect with mame by using a good effects overlay and a high pre-scale setting (a high res monitor helps for this, but I think it could be a lot better with some sort of colour bloom effect.  ...Best just to use a good old CRT if you can though.  :)

Quote from: Terry on March 15, 2011, 03:22:09 AMI turned the one with Vermilion into my desktop wallpaper!

This has made my week.  I've been telling lots of people about this!
VVVVVV / Re: VVVVVV arcade
March 14, 2011, 03:12:30 PM
Well the japanese joysticks must have made a difference, as I just got slightly over 20 seconds on the Super Gravitron!

It's hard to get a decent close up picture of the screen (at least it is with my camera) but vvvvvv looks really really nice on the low res CRT.  Viridian seems at home.

March 14, 2011, 03:31:44 AM
I'd been meaning to try this for a while and had a sudden urge to set it up tonight.

Okay, I know it's more of a C64 game than arcade, but the graphics look really nice on a 15khz arcade CRT running at 320x240 ...and I'm hoping the joystick might give me a better edge on Super Gravitron as I've only managed 15 seconds so far on keys.

Oops, I've just thought, I should have got a close up shot to show the nice scanlines...

Thanks again.

It works superbly on the 1.25ghz imac, up to 3x scaling in fullscreen mode.  On '4x' or 'full' it starts to get a bit slow.

I have an old 700mhz powerPC mac that I've been meaning to ebay off.  Before I do, I'll see if that can manage it.
Thank you so much.  That's very kind.  ...Email sent.  :)

QuoteCome to think of it, it's possible that the mac steam version of VVVVVV doesn't work on powerpcs. I dunno - the mac app store removes powerpc versions from the universal exe, so maybe steam does the same.
Possibly ...But it won't launch without steam on the intel mac either.  :-\
No, unfortunately not on this computer as Steam doesn't work on PowerPC.
Just so you know, I tried the demo on the powerpc imac and it works brilliantly in windowed mode.  It was slow in full screen, but the demo version doesn't have an option to remove filtering so I hope that the full-game set to full-screen will be full-speed.

As far as grabbing the application out of steam goes, it just won't work.  It works on the windows version, but not on the mac.  Maybe I should try asking on steam's forums.  Basically I love the game, but I don't want to pay for it twice ...and I know, I probably shouldn't have bought it from steam in the first place.

QuoteVVVVVV is exactly the game that I wish I had made.
Well, I mean, 'could have'.
Wow.  Thanks for the fast reply Terry.

I can't try the demo on the computer just yet, but I'll give it a go soon.

As for the vvvvvv (steam) .app, it is in a similar location as the PC (steamapps/common/vvvvvv), but when I double click it, it appears in the dock and then immediately vanishes.  Only when Steam is already open will it launch, then double clicking on the app starts the "steam launcher" and begins vvvvvv.

I can look inside the package and in there I can find a "movie.swf" - but opening this alone will only start a never-ending "loading: 0%" movie loop.

To be honest, all this is only a problem for me if it even works on a powerPC.  So I'll try the demo tomorrow and see if it works.

Thanks for your help.  And thanks for such a fantastic game.  VVVVVV is exactly the game that I wish I had made.


My Son and I loved playing through VVVVVV.  He has his own computer - an imac G4 1.25ghz.  Is the Mac version of VVVVVV a universal binary and would it run on a PowerPC system?

Second Question:  I noticed that on a Windows PC, the VVVVVV exe can launch independently of Steam.  But on the Mac, it won't.  When I try launching, it complains and fails to run independently.  Is there any way I can extract the game from my Steam Library to put on another Mac?

Thanks for reading.  :viridian: